<p>Quoting Joseph Bloch <seculartranshumanist@gmail.com>:<br /><br />>
2011/10/20 <natasha@natasha.cc>:<br />>> Quoting Stefano Vaj
<stefano.vaj@gmail.com>:<br />>><br />>>> But perhaps those
who disagree can point me to a source, any source,<br />>>> expressing
such a weird position. In that case, yes, we should have to<br />>>>
disagree with it.<br />>><br />>> I'll do this off list.<br
/>><br />> Could I ask you not to do so? I think it's in all our interests
to<br />> know if there are folks out there advocating mandatory life
extension,<br />> compulsory replacement of limbs and organs with bionic
replacements,<br />> and obligatory cognitive enhancement drugs. Especially
if they're<br />> doing so in the name of Transhumanism.<br /><br />You seem
to be looking for someone(s) who might propose coercive tactics, while I was
responding to "naive" approaches. Re: coercive tactics, I don't know
anyone. If I did, you would too and they would probably be in jail, or hunted by
the FBI. As for naive approaches, I refer to anyone who thinks he/she can save
the world through nano or ai. Certainly it could possible at a later date,
but through a different consciousness: one that would have to be more evolved
than the human brain and ability to individuate and to form connective
awareness.</p><p>Natasha</p><br />