<div>My friend Donna Cook has written an epic fantasy novel, GIFT OF THE PHOENIX, which will hopefully be self-published soon. She has set up a Kickstarter profile and has till August 5th to raise the needed funds. I wish I could say this were a tale of hard science fiction (considering this list), but alas, she loves fantasy. Please watch her video and consider donating. : )</div>
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<div>Ballroom dancing is the favorite pastime of Donna and her artist husband, when they are not busy with their small horde of children at home. </div>
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<div>Donna worked extensively for over a year with an editing/criticism group of over one-hundred people, so that she could polish and hone the manuscript before she spent money on it. </div>
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<div><a href="http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1737802436/gift-of-the-phoenix?ref=live">http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1737802436/gift-of-the-phoenix?ref=live</a></div>
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<div> John</div>
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