<font color='black' size='2' face='arial'><font color="black" face="arial" size="2">
<div> <font color="black" face="arial" size="2"><pre style="font-size: 9pt;"><br>
<font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><font color="black" face="arial" size="2">-----Original Message-----<br>
From: Rafal Smigrodzki <rafal.smigrodzki@gmail.com></font>></font><tt>For example, the cortical<br>
</tt><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">></font><tt>recognizers for dogs are most likely shared by everybody who has seen
</tt><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">></font><tt>enough dogs, and these could be replaced in a compressed version of
>the individual with links to reference dog recognizers</tt></pre></font>
<div> I wouldn't agree. While we both know what<font size="2"> "dogs" are and can converse meaningfully about dogs, the personal experiences and <font size="2">subsequent</font> neural pa<font size="2">thways that have been constructed</font></font> in order to create the Dog recognisers <font size="2">will</font> be very different. 1+1+1=3 and 8-5=3 we can both talk about 3 but how we get there is totally different<font size="2"> and in this case<font size="2">, a<font size="2">l<font size="2">so</font></font> hidden from us. All we know is that we both understand 3<font size="2"> as a symbol for something.</font></font></font><font size="2"><br>
<font size="2">A silly related example<font size="2">. <font size="2">D</font>uring <font size="2">the</font> xmas ordeal I was subjected to <font size="2">the</font> usual family game of charades where Mrs Blainey was <font size="2"><font size="2">trying</font> to mime "steering wheel". S<font size="2">i</font>multane<font size="2">ously myself and offspring #3 shouted "Milking a cow" at which point everyone laughed and cou<font size="2">l</font>dn't understand how either of us let alone both of us could <font size="2">see it.<br>
<font size="2">In <font size="2"><font size="2">context</font> <font size="2">m</font></font>y take on that is that our reconis<font size="2">ers are sometimes similarly unique due to genetics but <font size="2"><font size="2">often</font></font> <font size="2"><font size="2">incredibly</font></font> different to other people.</font></font></font></font></font></font></font></font><font size="2"><font size="2"><font size="2"><font size="2"><font size="2"><font size="2"><font size="2"><font size="2"><font color="black" face="arial" size="2"> If you are talking generics <font size="2">y</font>ou<font size="2"> could perhaps reduce to some kind of average recogniser</font>?? but it <font size="2">would</font> lose the<font size="2"> individual<font size="2">ity of the</font> mind. <br>
S<font size="2">o an average storage value + ?% allowing for <font size="2">individual<font size="2"></font> difference<font size="2"> may be sufficient for each recogniser?</font></font></font></font></font></font></font><br>
</font></font></font></font></font></font>Then you have the problem that the number of recognisers from person to person would be very different.<br>
<div style="font-family:arial,helvetica;font-size:10pt;color:black"><br>
<font size="2"><font face="arial">Im also not sure how much compression you could apply if any? I personally believe <font size="2">the</font> <font size="2">brain already compresses data so</font> think the lowest you could safely go would be attributing <font size="2">x number of bytes per <font size="2">neuron</font></font></font></font>. Which should give your normal bell curve for m<font size="2"><font face="arial">in/max data storage limits for <font size="2">any <font size="2">member</font> of</font> </font></font>the <font size="2"><font face="arial">populous.</font></font> <font size="2"><font face="arial">So (average brain volume)/(average n<font size="2">euron count per cc)</font></font></font>. <font size="2"><font face="arial">T</font></font>hen <font color="black" face="arial" size="2">from that </font>derive some arbitrary data volume needed per cc. Apply min/max threshold and out pops a total figure in TB.<br>
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