<p dir="ltr">Some of the stories I have been<br>
playing with of late involve<br>
"radiotelepathy": a node<br>
implanted in the sensorymotor<br>
cortex able to send and receive<br>
crude, low res signals. All the<br>
sophistication of encoding<br>
meaning and language is up to<br>
the brain connected to the device.</p>
<p dir="ltr">There is reason to believe that the<br>
speed of speech and typing is not<br>
that much less than the speed of<br>
thought - or at least, thought<br>
modulated in a form that can be<br>
expressed to another brain.</p>
<p dir="ltr">An easier way to start getting a<br>
sense of the consequences of<br>
invisible communication, at least<br>
for one way, is to try truly hidden<br>
audio receivers, so close<br>
observers can not tell a person<br>
is getting audio input. A classic<br>
test case is poker tables: have a<br>
confederate signal you as to the<br>
contents of other players' hands.<br>
Casinos deal with this issue all<br>
the time these days; a good pit<br>
boss can relay many tricks of<br>
the trade, albeit from the side of<br>
attempting to prevent it for the<br>
benefit of the unenhanced.</p>
<p dir="ltr">On Jun 25, 2013 5:44 AM, "Eugen Leitl" <<a href="mailto:eugen@leitl.org">eugen@leitl.org</a>> wrote:<br>
> ----- Forwarded message from Stephen Williams <<a href="mailto:sdw@lig.net">sdw@lig.net</a>> -----<br>
> Date: Sun, 23 Jun 2013 17:12:03 -0700<br>
> From: Stephen Williams <<a href="mailto:sdw@lig.net">sdw@lig.net</a>><br>
> To: Friends of Rohit Khare <<a href="mailto:fork@xent.com">fork@xent.com</a>><br>
> Subject: [FoRK] Non-speech, non-keyboard direct communications will create a new class of humans<br>
> User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.7; rv:17.0) Gecko/20130509 Thunderbird/17.0.6<br>
> Reply-To: Friends of Rohit Khare <<a href="mailto:fork@xent.com">fork@xent.com</a>><br>
> Technical people and techno-savvy consumers already communicate<br>
> differently than non-technical people, but it is somewhat constrained.<br>
> What happens when one or more methods of fast, accurate, digital<br>
> friendly communications channels are easily used in an always-there<br>
> fashion?<br>
> What are the social consequences of a certain subset invisibly<br>
> communicating, a la telepathy, with each other and others not present?<br>
> What if this communications happens at speeds not constrained by the<br>
> mechanics of speech, typing, and drawing? How many multiples of 1x<br>
> comm modes will we reach?<br>
> Many of us think, at least at times, much faster than we can<br>
> communicate. At the moment, we can only leverage and communicate<br>
> stored information in external ways. We could probably communicate<br>
> several times faster, plus boost that with shorthand and keyword-like<br>
> inclusion of packets of existing knowledge. Given a much better<br>
> visualization and representation method, we should be able to<br>
> communicate a lot of information quickly in an absorbable way.<br>
> As soon as we can communicate quietly and probably secretly, we can<br>
> more easily and quickly leverage large stores of internal and external<br>
> information. And what will be the rules about running and following<br>
> an AI representation of a knowledge base to help with decision making<br>
> or to supply relevant "unbiased" information? Your grandfather's<br>
> wisdom? Your party leader's? CEO? Girlfriend/boyfriend?<br>
> Hard to argue against this being good overall, but I suspect a lot of<br>
> angst and confusion. Things like tests will require special handling.<br>
> sdw<br>
> _______________________________________________<br>
> FoRK mailing list<br>
> <a href="http://xent.com/mailman/listinfo/fork">http://xent.com/mailman/listinfo/fork</a><br>
> ----- End forwarded message -----<br>
> --<br>
> Eugen* Leitl <a href="<a href="http://leitl.org">http://leitl.org</a>">leitl</a> <a href="http://leitl.org">http://leitl.org</a><br>
> ______________________________________________________________<br>
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