<p dir="ltr">> I bring good tidings. </p>
<p dir="ltr">>Not sure who's heard about the leaks from the IPCC from their upcoming climate assesment on Sept 27th, but they are apparently sharply toning down their AGW alarmist predictions, if not outright ending them. </p>
<p dir="ltr">>If so, we will have to end with the scare-mongering, negativity, and profiteering, right? </p>
<p dir="ltr">>To paraphrase General Douglas MacArthur: "Old AGW alarmists never die, they (should) just fade away." (Or at least their dire need to make it a 'serious' issue worth discussing.) </p>
<p dir="ltr">:)</p>
<p dir="ltr">>Kevin</p>
<p dir="ltr"><a href="http://m.us.wsj.com/articles/SB10001424127887324549004579067532485712464">http://m.us.wsj.com/articles/SB10001424127887324549004579067532485712464</a></p>
<p dir="ltr">@KevinGHaskell</p>