<div dir="ltr"><div class="gmail_extra">I understand that the FDA can provide counsel to prevent fraud. That's a nice feature when it's implemented as an approval certification. It's some kind of bullying when that agency has the power to issue C&D orders.<br>
<br></div><div class="gmail_extra">In the interest of protecting the people, we should make sure WebMD only sends information to licensed doctors. We should make sure Home Depot only plays HowTo videos to licensed carpenters and plumbers. Stock information should only be available to licensed bankers and legal information should only be available to licensed lawyers. Of course only politicians should know anything at all about what goes on in government, right?<br>
<br></div><div class="gmail_extra">We must also do everything we can to prevent the general public from accessing incomplete or potentially inaccurate information from unreliable devices. Forthwith, any "love tester" found on boardwalks and traveling carnivals must be impounded. In this same vein, advice columns (in print or online) must also be shut down. Bartenders may also solicit inaccurate advice so should be sanctioned against speaking about anything other than food and drink orders. Parents also tend to provide information to children that may be deemed inaccurate.<br>
<br></div><div class="gmail_extra">Essentially the flow of information of any kind needs to be stopped. It's simply too difficult to control public memes if people are allowed to "talk amongst themselves." <br>
<br></div><div class="gmail_extra">**** 2013.11.27 Adrian wrote<br></div><div class="gmail_extra"><div class="gmail_extra">Rake the FDA over the coals for what it
actually does do badly (and doesn't do that it should), but let's
confine the accusations to what's actually going on, please. There's
more than enough without exaggerating or making stuff up.<br>
<br></div>(It's possible that you might have
simply misread, but it seems at least some people seem to be willfully
misinterpreting what's going on here.)<br>****<br><br></div><div class="gmail_extra">I may have misread. I don't think I'm willfully misinterpreting though. I would admit to reacting while underinformed. However by the time I feel qualified to say something warranted to be beyond dismissal the whole scenario would likely have played itself out. <br>
<br></div><div class="gmail_extra">Can you explain how information about my own genetics that I am buying from a company that provides this service should be blocked by the FDA? I feel that we are either entitled to transact this business (in which case the FDA is interfering with my transaction) or we the people are too stupid/irresponsible to act on our own (in which case the FDA nanny is keeping us safe) Honestly, if you can enlighten me I'd appreciate the effort.<br>