<div dir="ltr"><div class="gmail_default" style="font-family:comic sans ms,sans-serif;font-size:large;color:rgb(11,83,148)"><div><br>
> I have to ask this question: what do you expect a neural interface to do?<br>
<span style="color:rgb(0,0,0)"><br></span></div><span style="color:rgb(0,0,0)">
The literal answer to the question is simple: Transduce neural signals
to and from electrical (or possibly optronic) ones, in a reliable
fashion without any adverse affects on the living tissue or the
technological components, and without disrupting the normal functions of
the organic parts. We're still a long way from that, but progress is
being made.<br>
But I think your question was more along the lines of: "What good would
a neural interface be?", and of course that's an open question, but
here are a few answers:<br>
A fairly modest application would be to connect specific brain regions
to external circuitry for control of, for example, prosthetic limbs,
non-biological organs, new sensory equipment, etc.<br>
Taking the idea further, and once the technology is worked out, you
could have very fine-grained interfaces that can talk to individual
neurons and feed the signals into/from detailed virtual-reality models
of the body or of parts of the body, so that your brain could 'drive'
the virtual body. This would be good for full-immersion VR experiences,
and also for providing a control interface for new bodies. Bodies
which could be anything from fully virtual to fully physical, any mix of
the two, and any mix of biological/technological for the physical side.<br>
This will be difficult to do, and involve massive arrays of interfaces,
connecting to tens of millions of nerve-endings, but would be
tremendously useful. You could, for example, take the central nervous
system and transplant it into a different body that was a hybrid of
biological and synthetic parts, and control it through a communications
grid linked to the interface. You could then control virtually every
aspect of such a body (not to mention that the body could be designed
and built to be vastly better than a standard biological one). And,
yes, that's getting a bit off-topic, but you can see the usefulness (or
rather necessity) of neural interfaces in a scenario like that.<br>
All of the above presupposes that the biological brain will remain as it
is, producing your mind in the usual way, but there's more:<br>
Taking things further - and later on, I imagine -, neural interfaces
would be useful in the process of 'gradual uploading', where rather than
replacing parts of the brain, or 'scanning' it, which are the usual
uploading ideas, we instead expand the mind into non-biological brain
machinery over a period of time, so that eventually the original
biological brain becomes only a small (and ultimately redundant) part of
what produces the mind. At some point, you'd be able to ditch the
original brain without even noticing it.<br>
Lots of assumptions there, but I don't think there's anything that's theoretically infeasible.</span><br><br></div><div class="gmail_default" style="font-family:comic sans ms,sans-serif;font-size:large;color:rgb(11,83,148)">
Well that's a lot of ideas and no mistake, though I think I'd rather stay all biological if I lived in the future. All of this may be greatly complicated by two recent findings: glial cells, which outnumber neurons in the brain, have now been implicated in lots more than their supportive function: they are involved in processing as well, and that opens all sorts of ghost in the machine research. Neurons may not do it all. But even if they did, many functions are not localized in the brain, so connecting them with wires is going to be impossible. I'd get rid of the strong tendencies to cognitive errors and see if we need any more cognition than that. If AI fulfills its promise, we can let them do the processing we can't, just like we do now with ordinary computers, only in a very minimal way (i.e. they can't do anything we can't do except they can do it faster).<br>
<br></div><div class="gmail_default" style="font-family:comic sans ms,sans-serif;font-size:large;color:rgb(11,83,148)">And increasingly we are learning that the body helps to control the brain - like the bacteria in our guts in very recent research. bill<br>
</div><div class="gmail_default" style="font-family:comic sans ms,sans-serif;font-size:large;color:rgb(11,83,148)"><br></div></div>