<p dir="ltr">On Mar 17, 2016 3:28 PM, "William Flynn Wallace" <<a href="mailto:foozler83@gmail.com">foozler83@gmail.com</a>> wrote:<br>
> Maybe it isn't this bad in DC, or maybe it's worse. I dunno. But fixing campaign financing would seem to help us all and cost us nothing. Who is going to lobby for this besides Ralph Nader, Consumer Reports, and the like - in other words, not contributors?<br>
> We don't like what is going on in Washington. Trump shows us that in spades. I would not vote for him for dogcatcher, but we do need someone(s) to radically change the way our representatives do their business.</p>
<p dir="ltr">In theory this is part of what Sanders may attempt...if he can get the nomination. (Sanders vs. Trump, despite what some say, seems almost guaranteed not-Trump. Of course, so does Clinton vs. Trump. And that's assuming Trump isn't on the take, driving out all other Republican contenders with intent to abdicate his campaign between nomination and November.)</p>