<div dir="ltr"><div class="gmail_default" style="font-family:comic sans ms,sans-serif;font-size:large;color:#000000">Given human's infinite capacity for self-aggrandizement, people will invent meanings flattering them. Successes will be exaggerated; failures will be rationalized. Just the usual BS. billw</div></div><br><div class="gmail_quote"><div dir="ltr" class="gmail_attr">On Wed, Sep 27, 2023 at 4:19 PM efc--- via extropy-chat <<a href="mailto:extropy-chat@lists.extropy.org">extropy-chat@lists.extropy.org</a>> wrote:<br></div><blockquote class="gmail_quote" style="margin:0px 0px 0px 0.8ex;border-left:1px solid rgb(204,204,204);padding-left:1ex">Good evening everyone,<br>
Let's solve this together, once and for all! ;)<br>
When it comes to the meaning of life, I believe that it cannot be found as an<br>
object in the world, and I do not believe that it is something that can be told<br>
which would instantly create meaning. I think that meaning is deeply personal<br>
and it is something which has to be experienced and lived in order to express<br>
and feel it.<br>
The meaning I am talking about is a deep seated, fundamental meaning that<br>
brings you peace as an individual.<br>
But, I also believe there are different levels of meaning, and although it has<br>
been criticized, as an approximate framework to talk within, I kind of like<br>
Maslows pyramid of needs. We have a need for life, a drive to live, for safety,<br>
food, etc. On top of that we have our everyday meaning, we need to feel wanted<br>
and that we produce something. I believe for instance, that the human body was<br>
made for input and output. If you starve the input, or starve the output,<br>
you'll create an imbalance that will impact your psychological health.<br>
So looking at positive psychology, I think we have some pointers and tools to<br>
give us a good foundation for worldly meaning. Add to that, a pinch of stoicism<br>
and epicureanism, and you can, with a bit of skill, create a nice philosophical<br>
"mind castle" for yourself that does away with fear of death and other such<br>
But for me, that is not Meaning with a capital m. All the previous levels in<br>
Maslows pyramid contribute to a good life, but at the top with have the<br>
mystical self-actualization, and I am somewhat attracted to the earth (or<br>
universe) shattering realizations of a union with the universe that the mystics<br>
talk about.<br>
That might be a peak, and on the road to that peak, you can have deep seated<br>
ethical and moral feelings such as doctors when it comes to the sanctity of<br>
life, and saving lives, that give a deep meaning to your life. But just telling<br>
the would-be doctor that it is nice to save lives, is not enough. The meaning<br>
for the doctor is created when he is performing his function.<br>
When it does come to the lighter kind of philosophical meaning, I am very fond<br>
of epicureanism with the understanding that it talks about long-term<br>
sustainable pleasure. But it could be argued, that peak mystical experiences<br>
are aligned with that philosophy, since a deep seated, fully realized meaning<br>
does bring you long-term sustainable pleasure so epicureanism can <br>
be deeper than it looks at first sight. Actually, I'm not fond of the<br>
word pleasure since I think brings with it bad connotations and associations.<br>
Perhaps contentment might be better? You're the english speaking pros, so I'm<br>
certain you'll be able to nail it down to a better word. =)<br>
So with that said, what do you all think about the meaning of life?<br>
Best regards, <br>
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