[Paleopsych] The Hookie Awards

K.E. guavaberry at earthlink.net
Sun Dec 26 15:44:01 UTC 2004


The Hookie Awards

December 25, 2004

Some people say that the age of the public intellectuals is over,
that there are no longer many grand thinkers like Lionel Trilling or
Reinhold Niebuhr, writing ambitious essays for the educated reader.
It's true that there are fewer philosophes writing about the nature
and destiny of man, but there are still hundreds of amazing essays
written every year.

In celebration of that fact, and in case you're looking for some
mind-expanding holiday reading, I've decided to create the Hookie
Awards. Named after the great public intellectual Sidney Hook, they
go to the authors of some of the most important essays written in

I should mention that essays for The New York Times and other
newspapers are not eligible for these prizes, and that if you go to
the Web site version of this column, at www.nytimes.com, you will
find links to the winning essays.

Here is the first batch of Hookie Laureates:



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