[Paleopsych] why the next year is critical

Werbos, Dr. Paul J. paul.werbos at verizon.net
Mon Sep 13 12:21:12 UTC 2004

My response to Stvee only addressed the energy aspects of the subject above.
(They are enough by themselves to kill us all...)

Also, I left out a few other critical aspects of energy policy, for reasons 
of time.

But .. it's not just energy.

Two other important aspects at risk --

the future of space flight, dependent on some
technical but essential points I can't elaborate on here
(basically, at-risk reusable launch technology, essential to all else)..
and the Supreme Court, whose impact is much larger than people
think ... and in ways the hypocritical fundamentalists totally misunderstand.

There is the US economy as well, which may or may not be teetering,
depending on who you listen to... but, admittedly, that tends to
be an ergodic process form which eventual recovery would otherwise be 

Back to morning soup...

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