[Paleopsych] Plausible Futures: Niche construction as a means to eugenic communities
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Sat Apr 2 16:06:03 UTC 2005
Niche construction as a means to eugenic communities
Floating around in the back of my mind has been that nagging question:
How will eugenics come about; what do we need to do to make it happen?
This is not a question that I think must be answered, because in the
end, eugenics will come about on its own. However, it is asked by many
who want to see something happening sooner rather than later. As the
technology advances and the importance of genes becomes apparent to
more people, the desire will drive the application. Whether it will be
primarily applied at the family level, the tribal level, or the
national level is unpredictable. Nevertheless, most assuredly once it
is implemented by enough people, the threat of those practicing
eugenics will become problematic to others. They will try either to
emulate or to stop eugenics.
Like nuclear proliferation, where there is a desire to obtain new
technology, human genetic engineering will be impossible to stop.
Unlike nuclear proliferation, eugenics can be undertaken without the
complexities of hiding radioactive material, building large facilities
for enrichment, and then hiding a quite useless weapons system because
to use it means almost sure retaliation. Eugenics can be undertaken in
secrecy or belligerently by simply ignoring any future global
sanctions or prohibitions.
Most of us who embrace eugenics would like to have our own
nation-state based on eugenics. Unfortunately, we can speculate how to
bring that about but there is no action I can see other than a slow
change in people's attitudes. Like libertarianism, it takes a great
deal of intelligence to understand and appreciate the underlying
principles of a nation based on inegalitarianism towards outsiders.
Even ethnocentrism is a problem for eugenicists who argue that kin or
race should be the boundaries for inclusion in the breeding
population. An indicator for how ethnocentric a race is may lie in the
degree to which they allow or discourage intermarriage. However, how
much this is based on culture is hard to factor out of the equation. I
am also unaware of any valid tests for ethnocentrism. Nevertheless, by
all observable measures (MacDonald, 2002a), Whites suffer from low
ethnocentrism and high moral universalism, which has become highly
dysgenic for us in a multicultural world. Our wealth and our culture
are being systematically undermined by more ethnocentric races that
have particularly targeted the West (that is Whites) for scapegoating
their own failures, and demanding compensation, both nationally and
Even eugenics itself, while being attacked as pseudoscience by the
Left, is simultaneously being included now in egalitarian proposals to
make sure that eugenics is equally shared among all races and classes.
That is, at the same time it is condemned, the left is taking no
chances that when people finally do embrace it, it must be shared
equally with all. It seems apparent to me that the very flurry of
books and articles declaring that race is a social construct and that
eugenics must never again be contemplated, is due to the fact that
unraveling our genetic code and the new tools being developed for
human genetic engineering has the Left in a state of panic. They are
now so desperate that the only way to keep the lid on the genetic
genie is to try to suppress freedom of speech, as has been done in
most Western nations under hate speech laws. Mention racial
differences and go to jail. The United States alone has the
constitutional right to freedom of speech, but even here there are
attempts to take away this basic right because with the Internet,
discussions about eugenics and racial differences cannot be easily
After reading Niche Construction: The Neglected Process in Evolution
by F. John Odling-Smee, Kevin N. Laland, and Marcus W. Feldman, 2003,
and rereading The Fratricidal Global Village: The Theory of
Hypertrophic Group Formation, By Elliott White, 2001, I felt it was
time to put together some thoughts on how a eugenic community could be
formed, maintained, and prosper. But first, some basic assumptions: it
is not a utopian project based on a goal of human perfection, but
rather it is a process based on the member's desire to undertake it.
That is, like any adventure, it does not promise anything but
involvement and discovery. In addition, while the goal is not based on
any moral or ethical precepts, its formulation is securely grounded in
empirical data about human behavior. That is, my vision of a eugenic
community is to make it rewarding to be a part of it. To do that, we
must know how humans behave and try to anticipate the common problems
that groups encounter repeatedly. Lastly, I do not intend to discuss
the genetic boundaries of the group. That is, though I have my racial
preferences on a sliding scale, it would be up to the group to decide
who will be included or excluded. In the end, the winner will be based
on just how well informed each group is with regards to eugenic
principles and human behavior.
The number of ways eugenics may be practiced is too indeterminate to
argue for one way or another. The one thing I am sure of is that it
will eventually lead to a eugenics' arms race. If you want to know how
serious this is, just try discussing eugenics on Internet forums.
People simultaneously will argue that it can't be done, shouldn't be
done, etc. displaying moral panic. This could only happen if they
really do believe that it is possible and that it is coming rapidly.
Silly ideas are ignoreddangerous ones are condemned. In fact, with
gender selection, in vitro fertilization, assortative mating, testing
for genetic diseases; we are well on our way to personal eugenics
driven by the desire for children who have the very best genes money
can buy.
I am not at all convinced that humans have an innate commitment to
their own kind, but rather a need to form coalitions for advantage and
defense. Before civilization of course, kin was the fundamental
building block for tribal defense and social control, but we have been
adapted primarily to be easily led and indoctrinated. White calls the
penchant for forming large groups hypertrophy:
"Successful macro self-selection yields hypertrophic group formation.
This process involves the following factors: (a) at least minimal
opportunity; (b) self-selection, selective migration, upward mobility
; (c) clusters of like-minded group or network members; (d) a critical
mass, especially likely to occur if the selective process occurs in a
large population; (e) hypertrophy."
He explains that we see hypertrophy in the media, where self-selection
is so prevalent that the public sees a very biased presentation of the
news, leading more people to turn to other sources like the Internet.
Self-selection has also been noted in government, where like-minded
people surround a president to the point where no dissenting voices
are heard, and truth becomes grounded in absolutes. Hypertrophy is
seen in the formation of international terrorist organizations to the
formation of fanaticism among sports fans. Wherever humans are allowed
to self-select, they will form groups.
Today, under government political programs in most Western nations
advancing multiculturalism and diversity, any self-selection based on
race is condemned if it includes Whites, but is encouraged if it
involves minorities. Whites are expected to capitulate to minority
demands, or be vilified as racists. Interestingly, this could only
happen because many Whites have been indoctrinated through guilt or
possibly self-promotion, to self-select for inclusion in the academic
left's reformulation of Marxism from class struggle to minority group
identity politics. Marxism's march through the institutions never lost
a step after the collapse of Communism.
White explains: "Thus it should be clear that locals and cosmopolitans
may draw different in/out group distinctions. For the local, anyone
outside his more immediate area and not belonging to his religion and
ethnic or racial group is likely to be part of the out-group. That
will include any cosmopolitan who seems to threaten the traditional
values and identifications of his community. For the cosmopolitan, on
the other hand, it is the local who often constitutes the out-group."
I am not sure of the terms, but cosmopolitan versus rural (local)
attitudes is a theme that keeps reoccurring, and the rural is losing.
Religious fundamentalists, conservatives, liberals, and
multiculturalists are all relatively non-empirical when it comes to
understanding human nature. They all tend to either reject evolution
or they reject that it has any significance for humans. But it does
seem that the rural faction is in retreat while the Left is winning
the war against Western culture.
For this reason, any eugenics movement must accept the fact that our
politicians, athletic and media stars, the elite in academics and
business, will for the most part self-select away from their own kind
for the comfort of their own hypertrophic group based on occupation or
class interest, rather than race. I personally assume that any
politician will betray not only their own race but also their own
country to serve the interests of the elite, as we see with regards to
immigration. Open immigration hurts not only the poor, but also even
the Hispanic citizen community when more illegal Hispanics keep
flooding into our country. So to keep the cheap labor coming, the
elite has merely redefined what America stands for: "We are a nation
of immigrants" and the discussion ends. The people have been properly
As White explains it, cooperation in nature is abundant. Inclusive
fitness or for humansgroup evolutionary strategiesfor promoting
selfish genes is not the dominant factor in racial group formation. We
had better not rely on anyone's innateness to stand by their own kind,
it is too weak of a force. Cohesiveness needs to be established by
creating a niche where members of the eugenic group can thrive, even
while living amongst "the other."
It is important to understand the enemy, and I am going to try to
summarize the motivation behind the radical Left. Many religious
fundamentalists and conservatives will also oppose any notion of
eugenics, but I believe they are motivated more from fear and
ignorance. For this reason, they are less of an immediate threat to
genetic engineering than the well disciplined Left.
Reading numerous books on the battle between the Left and the Right,
it has occurred to me that both groups are driven more by a need for
power than any real ideological agenda or concern for other groups. In
Niche Construction they write: "For instance, much human (and animal)
social learning is characterized by a positive frequency dependence or
conformity, in which individuals bias their adoption of cultural
information toward that expressed by the majority. In fact, a
theoretical analysis by Boyd and Richerson (1985) found that most of
the conditions under which natural selection favors social learning
also favor the evolution of conformity. This 'when in Rome do as the
Romans' principle can result in conventions that only loosely track
environmental change and, at least in the short term, may generate
maladaptive traditions. In addition, members of a group may be
particularly prone to adopting cultural variants exhibited by
particularly authoritative or charismatic individuals, a process Boyd
and Richerson (1985) describe as 'indirect bias.' Theoretical models
have demonstrated that cultural processes can lead to the transmission
of information that results in a fitness cost relative to
alternatives, and strong cultural evolutionary processes will
frequently be independent of genetic control. While socially learned
smart behavioral variants will subsequently be tested by the
individuals that adopt them, even nonreinforcing or maladaptive
behavior may be expressed again if it is socially sanctioned, or if
individuals are locked into conventions that penalize nonconformists.
As a result, some cultural information may be propagated even when it
is detrimental to individual fitness."
Docile humans follow their leaders, however that is defined, and
conform to norms that may not be to the best interest of the
individual or to a particular group. Few people show the independence
and/or the character to challenge beliefs that have been set up by the
prevailing ethos at any one time. I came across this short response by
Jay Feierman to a Yahoo discussion group: "The high status persons of
each society create the list of the human rights [and values systems]
that in the long term serve their own best interest. Governments,
which are controlled by high status individuals, codify and then
enforce the exercise of approved human rights and suppress the
expression of the unapproved human rights [and values systems]." (See
the complete article in appendix.)
So who are these reoccurring radicals that crop up continuously,
trying to overthrow the established order? Well, they are you, me, and
all the other activists out there who do not like the status quo. And
for a very simple reason as White explains: "Cosmopolitans, moreover,
need not be tolerant in their teachings. Marx and Engels divided the
world up between the exploiting and the exploited, and Lenin and Mao
took this in/out group dichotomy quite seriously. Only the elimination
of one social class by the other would bring the desired classless
society. It would appear that when able people feel the denial of
opportunity, they become susceptible to ideological formulations that
involve hostility directed against the social order implicated in such
Quite simply, radicals take up causes because they feel left out, they
need intellectual challenge and are motivated to act. Moreover, there
is no race that is more motivated and intellectually capable than
Jews, and I think that is the reason they are quite often, but not
always, behind radical movements (MacDonald 2002b). It has little to
do with the movement itself, but rather a means of gaining power and
prestige in societies where they feel they have not achieved the
status they deserve, as individuals. As a race, they are far wealthier
and powerful than any other group, but some of the tribe's members
want more than just the knowledge that the tribeas a groupis doing
well. Power for many is an insatiable desire. Note that this is not a
condemnation of Jewish behavior, but recognition as to why they seem
to be such an integral part of radical movements.
Whites on the other hand seem far more inclined to go along, get
along, and are not usually as motivated to excel. We then become the
victims of our own conformist weakness per Niche Construction:
"Conformist transmission may potentially be exploited by powerful
individuals, groups, or institutions, which dominate the dissemination
of information through societies to promote their own interests. In
preagricultural egalitarian societies this was probably not very
important since in such societies inequalities of power and wealth are
typically both temporary and minimal. However, in post-agricultural
societies that display rankings, and in complex civilized states that
display class stratifications, significant economic inequalities
occur, and power networks develop. In these societies powerful and
coercive cultural parents may stand to gain considerably from
persuading other less powerful humans to conform, perhaps by
recruiting extra assistance in modifying environments in ways that
benefit them rather than the helpers. These processes can be amplified
by tool use, for instance, by the technology of modern media, by
weapons, by art, or by deceit. Religious, commercial, and political
propaganda, for example, may all be used to persuade, trick, or coerce
conformity from individuals against their personal interests in favor
of the interests of a dominant class of cultural transmitters."
The history over the last fifty years or more then has seen a
reshaping of American value systems from a less socialistic, free
market meritocracy, into one that is inherently anti-Western. When the
intellectual elites universally promote without dissent, acceptance of
multiculturalism, diversity, redistribution of wealth, racial quotas,
and open immigration, then our culture has been high jacked by a core
of ideological radicals that have used our own cooperative nature to
accept their moral demands.
"The niche-construction statement on conflict in section 7.3.1 should
also extend to the human cultural level, with the qualification that
at this level other processes may be operating as well. Group
selectionists commonly focus on the positive repercussions of group
selection (that is, within-group altruism) and neglect the negative
repercussions (that is, between-group selfishness, hostility, and
conflict). Group selection does not directly favor altruistic
individuals so much as selfish groups. The group-level traits most
effective in promoting group replication may also engender outgroup
hostility, intergroup aggression and conflict, fear of strangers,
slanderous propaganda concerning outsiders, and so on. The same
processes that underlie the best of human motives may also favor the
worst attributes of human societies."
The above tactics have been evident in the science wars, where anyone
who engages in research with regards to group differences in
intelligence or raises concerns about dysgenic social policies, is
labeled as a fascist, a racist, a Nazi, but probably all three and
then some. With these tactics, the radicals have been able to
transform our culture by recruiting others to follow them, in what
appears to be a concern for human betterment everywhere. However, the
singular hatred and vilification of only White Western society belies
their true objectives. It is not the world they want to make right,
but to replace the dominant, technological culture of the West with
their own. It is warfare with the parasites from within.
Christopher Boehm (Bloom & Dees, 2003) discusses another problem with
regards to racial conflict in modern societies. The cultural elites,
no matter what race or religion they belong to, take it upon
themselves to settle disputes between rival groups. As the dominant
power brokers, they have an interest in keeping disputes under
control, and they are willing to do so even if it means giving
preferences to other races or groups while disenfranchising their own.
We see this with George Bush's pandering to Mexican illegals and Bill
Clinton's pandering to Blacks. It is reproductively self-serving for
the power elite to sacrifice their own kin in order to maintain order.
In so doing, it means that when one race is more successful than
another, peace between the groups must be won by giving preferences
and transferring resources from one group to another. Again, it must
always be assumed that except for a few rare exceptions, the power
elite will go against their own race in favor of preserving their
favored position of hierarchical dominance over all others. As Boehm
points out, chimpanzees show this same pattern of alpha males settling
disputes for the benefit of group. Beyond the level of the tribe
however, this behavior is inimical to the interests of eugenicists.
Political power brokering will mean an escalation of socialism and
coercion against more successful groups.
The reason for this short discussion of opposition from the Left (and
from our own elite), is because if we are truly committed to
implementing eugenics based on an unbiased understanding of human
nature, then we cannot delude ourselves in thinking that we will
convince others based on empirical arguments, and we must break off on
our own, silently, and get on with our mission. Eventually, human
genetic engineering will be ubiquitous, with the outcomes so
beneficial, that opposition will cease on its own. As long as we can
attract clusters of like-minded individuals, with "the capacity to
transcend one's immediate space and time conceptually" for an improved
human genome, our mission remains viable even in the face of extreme
opposition from fundamentalists, self-serving revolutionaries, and the
"I will arguethat hominid minds are not adapted to a Pleistocene
average. Rather, they are adapted to the variability of hominid
environments: to the spread of variation, rather than to its peak. Our
evolutionary response to variation is phenotypic plasticity. Humans
develop different phenotypes in different environments" (Sterelny,
There is an increased recognition that humans create niches, and that
niche construction can change human culture and/or human genetic
frequencies. In Niche Construction they state, "In such cases, and to
the extent that cultural processes cease to buffer culturally induced
environmental changes, the latter are likely to give rise to
culturally modified natural selection pressures. There may then be
changes in allelic frequencies in human populations. For example,
suppose there is no technology available to deal with a new challenge
created in an environment by cultural niche construction, or suppose
that the available technology is not exploited, possibly because it is
too costly or because people are unaware of the impact that their own
cultural activities are having on their environments. If such a
situation persists for a long enough time, then genotypes that are
better suited to the culturally modified environment could increase in
While the above is true, it seems too simplistic in that as niche
constructors, humans are constantly altering both their environments
and their gene frequencies. The theory of evolution dictates that
where the environment changes rapidly, there will be changes in gene
frequencies. There is no condition that I am aware of where rapid and
pronounced ecological changes have zero influence on the selection for
genes. What is so fascinating then is not this simple truism, but the
almost universal denial that humans are undergoing evolutionary
change. It is recognized and discussed by evolutionary theorists,
while denied or ignored by most of society: politicians, religionists,
secular leftists, conservatives, liberals, Marxists, cultural
constructivists, and even a lot of libertarians. Only within a small
slice of educated humanity, is the reality of evolutionary change
understood to be a present and ongoing process. On empirical evidence,
it can't be any other way, and we are capable of detecting these
changes from past evidence.
Obvious to a few, it is only now getting more attention from
neo-Darwinists. In Niche Construction they observe that "[there] is a
third major consequence of niche construction. Where niche
construction affects multiple generations, it introduces a second
general inheritance system in evolution, one that works via
environments. This second inheritance system has not yet been widely
incorporated by evolutionary theory. We call this second general
inheritance system ecological inheritance." MacDonald (2002b)
discusses the consequences of creating niche construction, primarily
around racial and/or religious groups. The contrast for example
between the niche construction of the Gypsies, where average
intelligence declined, versus Ashkenazi Jews, where average
intelligence increased, over hundreds of years, is a vivid example of
how niche construction can mold the genes of those who stay within the
The common theme today however is to ignore evolution, and preach a
new ethos: the peoples of the world will meld together and all
differences will disappear. That is, we will breed, slowly over time,
to become one brown skinned race, where any differences, if they did
exist, will exist no more. White however sees another humanity: "We
live increasingly within a global village, but it is one that
remainsand threatens to remainstubbornly fragmented. It is split, of
course, along ethnic, racial, and linguistic lines as well as by
socioeconomic inequalities. But even within the same ethnic group or
socioeconomic stratum, fissures appear, at times deep, that are not
readily papered over."
As some people will intermarry and become perhaps nondescript
racially, this will not lead to a single racial genome. Hypertrophy as
described by White, and increasingly others, describes humans as
incapable of cooperation on a global scale. Those who hope for world
peace based on global cooperation fail to understand human nature.
This group evolutionary perspective has shifted over the last few
decades, and it is safe to say confusion is still the norm.
The story goes like this: evolution can only occur at the level of the
organism because at the group level, the free rider problem arises.
Free riders are those that dodge the draft, don't pay their fair share
of the restaurant bill, etc. They are not altruistic cooperators, so
they will be selected for and will overtake others that are more
altruistic. The discussion of altruism, group selection, kin
selection, reciprocal altruism has filled volumes over the last few
decades. But one thing was missed with regards to humans: we have
language, can form coalitions, and can take action against free
riders. Thousands of years ago, the free rider was killed, harassed,
or banished. Tribes were often engaged in warfare with neighboring
tribes, and they could not afford to tolerate dissent. We see this
today in stiff penalties for army deserters; the most dangerous
situation for a state is to not have the young men willing to die for
its defense.
White describes intratribal conflict: "A second environmental basis
for conflict among intimates arises when renegades emerge within
otherwise homogeneous settings. Simmel remarks that the hatred
directed against the dissenter originates 'not from personal motives,
but because the member represents a danger to the preservation of the
group.... Since this hatred is mutual and each accuses the other of
responsibility for the threat to the whole, the antagonism
sharpensprecisely because both parties to it belong to the same social
unit.' Lewis Coser comments that 'the group must fight the renegade
with all its might since he threatens symbolically, if not in fact,
its existence as an ongoing concern.' As an example, Coser sees
apostasy as striking 'at the very life of a church.'"
Over the last ten years then, group evolutionary strategies are better
understood, and it is realized that humans are uniquely positioned to
solve the free rider problem. In fact, if global peace ever were
obtained through international agreements along with totalitarian
controls on human freedom, the free rider problem would begin to
return under universal socialism. To my knowledge, this aspect of
world cooperation has never been addressed, or dare I say even
pondered, by most evolutionists, who remain mostly egalitarian.
As long as groups can form then for cooperative benefit against other
groups, hypertrophy will take place, coalitions will develop, and
breeding will continue along lines of blood or common interestor both.
The rich and powerful will continue to encourage their children to
marry other offspring of other rich and powerful people; the
underclass will breed with little regard for anything but immediate
needs and desires, and others will fragment into groups between the
top and the bottom feeders. Humans, given the failure to maintain
racial boundaries via geographical boundaries, will divide along other
salient group selection criteriaand new niches will be created and
reinforced as others melt and merge. But group selection, in my
opinion, with the help of eugenics will be accelerated.
White notes: "As sociobiological theory would have it, quantitative
genetic similarity should underlie ethnic group membership. On the
other hand, qualitative genetic similarity should underlie
Dobzhansky's 'aptitude aggregation.' In other words, insofar as an
open class society becomes attained, class positions should be
occupied by people sharing similar genetically influenced
aptitudeseven though their ethnic and racial backgrounds may diverge
However, this depends on the aptitude one is looking at. Perhaps it is
true that sports fans may coalesce say around a athletic team because
of locality, where race and or religious affiliation is muted for the
sake of the school or city where the team is situated. Music likewise
is often quite open racially, because music ability is not as
concentrated in certain races, though it does seem to be more
prevalent among Whites, Blacks and Jews. On the other hand, when it
comes to say high intelligence, 'aptitude aggregation' may very well
be concentrated among the intelligent racesi.e. East Asians, Whites
and Jews. Likewise, Jews dominate fields that require verbal skills,
and we may see more and more East Asians dominate fields that require
visuospatial skills. From all available data then, aptitudes in fact
do follow racial lines, making quantitative and qualitative
aggregation not that different.
In a cosmopolitan world, where different races come together and
interact, and once the dogma of naïve environmentalism begins to fade
and race realism returns, people will build new cooperative
communities. Since genes underlie aptitude, race will remain the
primary determinate of which races will dominate which economic niche.
In addition, since people still prefer to be with their cognitive
equals, social niches will most likely follow economic niches.
Niche Construction explains: "Moreover, this dual role for phenotypes
in evolution does imply that a complete understanding of the
relationship between human genes and cultural processes must not only
acknowledge genetic inheritance and cultural inheritance, but also
take account of the legacy of modified selection pressures in
environments, or ecological inheritance. Again, it is readily apparent
that contemporary humans are born into a massively constructed world,
with an ecological inheritance that includes a legacy of houses,
cities, cars, farms, nations, e-commerce, and global warming. Niche
construction and ecological inheritance are thus likely to have been
particularly consequential in human evolution.
"Less familiar, but equally deserving of attention, are empirical data
and theoretical arguments suggesting that human cultural activities
have influenced human genetic evolution by modifying sources of
natural selection and altering genotype frequencies in some human
populations. Cultural information, expressed in the use of tools,
weapons, fire, cooking, symbols, language, agriculture, and trade, may
also have played an important role in driving hominid evolution in
general, and the evolution of the human brain in particular. There is
evidence that some cultural practices in contemporary human societies
continue to affect ongoing human genetic evolutionary processes."
We can expect evolutionary change to accelerate as we increasingly
change our environments through technology, environmental pollution,
warfare, changes in religious attitudes, and especially human genetic
engineering. White explains: "[G]enetic diversity is of central
significance in understanding the human condition. As I have pointed
out elsewhere, it underlies both human evolution and history, for
neither could take place without it. It is also responsible, directly
or indirectly, for much of the cooperation, as well as the conflict,
found within and between human societies. A society comprised of only
one kind of person, no matter how gifted, could not function. A
population composed of a million clones of a Mozart or an Einstein
could not establish an effective division of labor. But genetic
diversity also ensures conflict. First, it fosters individual
competition. Sociobiologists argue that, insofar as each person has a
unique set of genes, he or she has a uniquely individual set of
interests linked to the perpetuation of those genes. And the defense
of those intereststhat is, the desire for a suitable mate, home, and
jobis bound to compete if not conflict with the interests of others.
Humans are not alone here."
It may be true that a civilization of clones would not be a happy
place where a division of labor is required, but I would add that this
does not mean, as some people argue, that a society of highly
intelligent people, with different interests, could not adapt to
specialization. When people are intelligent, they will find ways of
automating the most tedious of tasks. In addition, even intelligent
people often times prefer physicality to desk-bound mental pondering.
Many highly intelligent people would, if they could for the same
status and pay, prefer more physical work because one feels better,
healthier and more alivedepending on one's personality. The important
thing is that people differ in what they like to do, even if they do
not necessarily differ in ability or potential. Even the brightest are
asked to go to war and die for their country, a fate far more
devastating than driving a garbage truck.
What will be critical is that a new race of humans be so cohesive and
singularly directed, that even if humans alter their environments in
such a way as to make our very existence unsustainable under current
conditions, that the eugenic few can survive while the rest of
humanity will succumb to a deteriorated environment. Most humans are
brought up in and inculcated by dogmas that make it difficult for them
to change and adapt. In Niche Construction they note that, "In
particular, components of the social environment, for example, traits
related to family, kinship, and social stratification, may have been
increasingly transmitted from one generation to the next by cultural
inheritance to the extent that contemporary human populations may have
become largely divorced from local ecological pressures. Support for
this argument comes from Guglielmino et al.'s (1995) study of
variation in cultural traits among 277 contemporary African societies,
in which most of the traits they examined correlated with cultural
(linguistic) history, rather than with ecological variables. If this
study is representative, then socially transmitted cultural traditions
are a lot more important than most evolution-minded researchers
studying human behavior would admit."
If culture can be so ingrained as to make people inflexible to their
changing environments, any eugenics' program must ensure that as a
group, we are not caught in the same cultural trap. We have to both
indoctrinate our children and/or members to act cohesively for the
good of the group, while maintaining cultural and intellectual
flexibility to react to changes in society as they come along that
will increase the group's resources.
Recently, the Libertarian Party, after careful deliberation, selected
New Hampshire as a state worth migrating to to establish a libertarian
niche. How many libertarians will actually move there, and how it will
increase the state's already libertarian leanings, only time will
tell. However, it does show the increasing willingness of groups to
advocate separation over accommodation, and eugenicists need to
consider similar plans.
Constructing our own niches of like-minded people allows eugenicists
to live within alien and degenerate cultures, by isolating ourselves
from the most corrosive forces like crime, race mixing, and being
forced to pretend to be tolerant, while taking collective advantage of
the rich resources available. That is, as long as the group does
better financially and emotionally by living in urban areas, while
resisting the debilitating aspects of the local ecology, we are better
off forming small communities for advancing eugenics than hoping for a
grander scheme of separation that may never come about.
The most important principle in forming a eugenic community is
compatibility. That is, by selecting participants that can work
together, play together, and be with one another rather than
interacting outside of the group, the group can protect itself from
outsiders, while still tolerating as necessary diversity in the
workforce and during commutes. Even during travel, attempts can be
made to travel together for safety and separation from the many
unwholesome types that infest urban areas. In no way am I a prude or
do I shun the enjoyment of observing the many human types one comes
across in large cities. I enjoy the challenge; I am probably a natural
cosmopolitan. Always however, my main concern is with the value and
safety of my property, along with the wellbeing of my family. These
areas of concern should be easy to address as a collective, targeting
specific areas for development, control and protection and therefore
increasing the value of owned property.
Establishing eugenic communities that can establish new value systems,
especially for children, and reinforcing each other's desired goals
and objectives, it becomes a lot easier to fight the impulse to
conform to the status quo. As stated in Niche Construction:
"Gene-culture coevolution is relevant here because it captures two
central features of our evolutionary perspective. First, through their
expression of socially learned information, humans are explicitly
recognized as niche constructors, capable of modifying their own
selection pressures. Second, the information underlying this niche
construction is inherited from one generation to the next by an
extragenetic inheritance system. Although cultural inheritance clearly
differs in several important respects from ecological inheritance, the
most notable being the informational content of the former, it may
nevertheless generate modified natural selection pressures."
Once the community starts to grow, it can naturally fission along
differing lines of self-selection. Just like in tribal clans, once a
certain size is reached, social control becomes more difficult. It is
better to split apart, maintain social control, but keep contacts
between groups to compare the success of differing adopted policies.
It should be a competitive relationship between the differing groups,
but one based on mutual interests in learning what works and what
doesn'tfirmly grounded in empirical data on human behavior.
Of course, as this process continues, there will always be those
leaving the group and those joining. This is a natural process of
selection for certain types of people, and should proceed along lines
of common interests and common genes. There is a myth that hybrid
vigor comes about from interracial marriage. In actuality, there is
enough variability in human genes that inbreeding can be very
beneficial for consolidating those genes sought afterfor intelligence
and ethnocentrism for examplebringing in new genes with occasional
outbreeding. The important thing is that "Cultural processes may bias
human mating patterns, they may bias other human interactions, such as
trade or warfare, or they may bias the choice of which infants are
selected for infanticide." Tough minded eugenic communities can
sublimate dysgenic attitudes into purposefully directed ones that
benefit the group. With a value system driven by a culture that is
focused on breeding the best, human weakness can be overcome.
Children in a eugenic community must of course be the focus of any
egalitarianism. That is, some people may not want to have their own
children, but would like to promote the propagation of genes like
those that they carry. Others may prefer the nurturing of children to
the fast paced corporate life style. The community then should provide
for the children, but should also not be obsessed with the children
There is no eugenic benefit to coddling children (Krebs in Crawford &
Salmon, 2004). We are learning that the human brain develops slowly
after birth because it progresses along a fixed plan of learning,
change and eventually pruning back unused neuronal connections. Naïve
environmentalists assume that children's learning can be accelerated,
and junior will be more accomplished by force-feeding them every
learning experience and every opportunity. But research has shown that
an aggressive approach to teaching children too much does not make
them smarter, but may just make them anxious.
I propose that children be taught, not too aggressively, the value
system of the eugenic community. That is, inegalitarianism for society
in general, with a preference for their own kind. That is, prepare
them defensively for immersion into a multicultural society, one that
they will be able to negotiate within without drawing hostility from
When it comes to pushing them into programs, sports, learning
regimens, etc. however this should be resisted. Children should be
socialized to interact with the group, and to be encouraged to find
what they like best within the confines of the community. That is,
with a highly intelligent community of children (and adults), there
will be plenty of stimulation for their maturation and intellectual
growth. As children get older, they will seek out their own areas of
interest and pursue them efficiently, hopefully leading to a rewarding
choice of interests that will carry them into successful careers.
A good example of trying to make children too well rounded, as if they
can master every area of culture and learning, is music. I love music,
and as a kid I took up many instruments, joined the band, etc.
However, I was not disciplined enough or dedicated enough to master
any instrument well, and eventually left it all behind mewithout any
regrets. I love music, but am more than happy to let others create it
and perform it, while I just listen.
My younger brother on the other hand taught himself how to be a
rock-n-roll drummer when it suited him in his teens, and he mastered
it magnificently. He started his own band, and was well on his way to
a typical music career with lots of fun but eventual failure and a
return to a more mundane existence decades later.
My main point here is that music today is one vocation that can be
very rewarding for a very small fraction of people, it can be enjoyed
by many more for personal reasons, but for the vast majority it is
usually just abandoned as the time constraints of pursuing different
interests takes over. The point is, look for the few children who may
really excel playing a musical instrument or singing, but don't assume
they have to pursue one or the other or they will be somehow deprived
of a needed talent or experience. There are simply too many areas of
interest to explore for children to be exposed to all of them without
taking away those areas of interest that they are genetically inclined
to pursue. We live in an age of specialization, and we should allow
everyone the chance to naturally make the best fit between their
abilities, their interests, and what currently is of value.
The other reason for not pampering children is simply that it can
detract from enjoying life as an adult. For those who want to be
around children, let them pursue that end. For those who prefer the
company of adults, let the children be off by themselves as much as
they like. That is, when children intrude on adults or vice versa,
neither is benefited.
In the end, some of the children will migrate out of the community,
which is good because that is part of the selection process. The more
committed will stay, and with each generation hypertrophy will
accelerate the process of selection, niche construction, finer
selection, the fissuring of large communities into smaller and more
cohesive ones, etc.
As White states, "Let us return to the aptitude aggregations. The
successful formation of these in elite areas of talent and knowledge
will, we recall, be characterized by hypertrophic tendencies that will
enhance their level of performance. These tendencies will encompass
the cooperative as well as the competitive. Like-minded individuals
who share similar talent but not temperaments may be driven to outdo
the others; those who share both the same talent and temperament may
be more apt to cooperate in an effort to surpass others. Either way,
higher levels of achievement are likely to be attained. And that is
precisely the point, especially when the most successful in any
endeavor are contrasted with the least successful. That is to say, the
distance between the two groupings in Dobzhansky's world becomes
greater than ever."
Obviously, the eugenic community I am describing could become a highly
competitive one, where internal friction could lead to conflict. The
type of people attracted to such an adventure may be more independent,
aggressive, and demanding of perfection than average. On the other
hand, the community will be focused on understanding human behavior,
and hopefully with a better understanding of what makes humans tick,
the internal divisions can be kept in check and used to the advantage
of the community.
For example, research shows that the more complex a social system is,
the more susceptible it is to exploitation by cheaters (Krebs in
Crawford & Salmon, 2004). This is one reason that socialism is so
terribly flawed. Efforts to help the needy are instead used by
cheaters for personal gain, and the system slowly becomes more and
more inefficient as more and more people take advantage of a free ride
rather than producing their fair share. In addition, "Making people
continually aware of their own and others' selfish motives by
emphasizing these in an excessive system of rules intended to catch
cheaters, may actually reduce levels of self-deception and thus
cooperation. Cooperating in a sea of defectors is a maladaptive,
costly strategy" (Surbey in Crawford & Salmon, 2004). It is important
then to teach out-group selfishness but to minimize in-group criticism
of selfish behavior, in order to reduce tensions and over zealous
accounting of member's behaviors. A eugenic society could become too
cynical, if fault-finding was overemphasized, and should be kept in
balance. That is, we must not try to be perfect cooperators but just
make sure that everyone is better off by being in the group than on
their own. Very few rules then should be createdjust enough to keep
the system together to meet eugenic goals.
Also in Surbey and CrawfordTimothy Ketelaar discusses in detail the
relationship between cooperators (who want to maximize group
outcomes), individualists (who want to maximize their own outcomes),
and competitors (who will reduce their own maximum outcome in order to
gain an advantage over others). From a vast amount of research, it
seems that there is a natural ratio of cooperators to individualists
to competitors of 4:2:1. Ketelaar is not clear what social groups
follow this evolutionary stable strategy, but I assume it is a
typically Western one. Nonetheless, It does show that when a nation
operates on egalitarian principles that assume that everyone is the
same, the system will break down in several ways. First, the
competitors are extremely destructive. Second, after a point even the
individualists will reduce their own level of cooperation. Third, as
things get even worse, there will remain a large number of too-nice
do-gooders within the 57% of cooperators who will lobby for even more
resource reallocation from the haves to the have-nots. (With a ratio
of 4:2:1, 4/7=57% cooperators.)
Therefore, a eugenic community would want to maintain a very low level
of competitors, but also it would not want nice cooperatorsthat is
people who would be tolerant or forgiving towards competitorsand also
free-riders and/or destructive psychopaths. (Note that some
psychopathy is linked with creativity and technological advancement.
See Eysenck, 1999 and Lynn, 2001.)
So what types of people would we ideally want in a eugenic's
community? The above is just a rough stab at some of the criteria, but
fundamentally, I would state categorically that we cannot tell for
sure, but as niche builders, it will be our intention to find out. The
communities should do one thing that is lacking in Western countries
when it comes to policy decisionskeep records. That is, any
community's progress, problems, failures or successes should be
statistically tracked and verifiable to so changes can be made in the
future. It needs to be fully flexible, ever changing, evolving system
in order to win the genetics arms race. There is no room for anecdotal
stories, that predominate in modern culture's narrative style of
social enquiry.
Matt Nuenke
April 2004
See www.neoeugenics.com website for bibliography.
The following was posted to the Yahoo site [evol-psyh] by Jay R.
Feierman, March 4, 2004:
Evolution and Human Rights Legislation
Douglas Galbi says, "Human rights speak of rights flowing from the
nature of every living being" and then asks, (1) "In what way are
humans different from other living beings? and (2) In what ways are
all human beings equal?"
In terms of (1) we are different from other living species in that we
are a brain-specialized species with a highly evolved neocortex, which
has the ontogenetic capacity to creatively find novel solutions to
thwarted goals and to ontogenetically create more time- and
material-efficient ways of solving novel problems, which we then
culturally pass within and across generations to our kin (and others)
by imitation learning. In terms of (2) we all have similarities
(equalities) as well as differences (inequalities) depending on which
we are looking to delineate.
Far from being a part of our nature, "human rights" are culturally
concocted and transmitted, arbitrary creations of our highly evolved
neo-cortices. They are not species-typical traits. What are human
rights in one society are not so in another. The high status persons
of each society create the list of the human rights that in the long
term serve their own best interest. Governments, which are controlled
by high status individuals, codify and then enforce the exercise of
approved human rights and suppress the expression of the unapproved
human rights. In one society freedom of speech and religion and the
right to bear arms (own guns) are considered basic human rights,
whereas in other societies there are no freedoms of speech or religion
or the right to bear arms but wealth is redistributed so that everyone
is given food, healthcare and a place to live as their basic human
rights. Obviously, there is no other specie that has a list of basic
rights for each member of the species. In some human societies equal
opportunity is considered a basic human right, which is the so-called
"level playing field" concept. In other societies, equal outcome is
considered a basic human right and resources are redistributed by the
government and some humans are given preferential treatment to make
the outcomes more equal.
The concept of human rights always requires a government to establish
and enforce them, since they are arbitrary. So I would take issue with
Douglas's Galbi's basic premise that "human rights . . . flow from the
nature of every living being." Instead, it appears that what are
called human rights are culturally arbitrary access, denial and
redistribution rules that in the long run have to serve interest of
the rule makers. In the United States we are told that it is our "God
given right" for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. So even
these so called rights are considered "God given" and not part of our
basic human nature. Oh Natural Selection, where did my idealism of
youth go?
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