[Paleopsych] The cranky user: Performance anxiety

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The cranky user: Performance anxiety

    Where does all the processing speed go?

    Level: Introductory

    [32]Peter Seebach ([33]crankyuser at seebs.plethora.net)
    Freelance writer
    02 Feb 2005

      Column icon Computers are getting faster all the time, or so they
      tell us. But, in fact, the user experience of performance hasn't
      improved much over the past 15 years. Peter looks at where all the
      processor time and memory are going.

    About 10 years ago I remember people complaining that Microsoft Word
    was too slow on the Mac. You could type faster than the processor
    handled input on such a large application. Imagine my disappointment
    when I recently discovered that the same thing still holds true.
    Similarly, my first computer with a hard drive loaded a small
    command-line utility in under a second and a large graphics program in
    perhaps half a minute. Those are good specs, but isn't it kind of sad
    that they haven't changed much in the past 15 years?

    So the question is, where is all the CPU power going? How is it
    possible that a machine with a full gigabyte of memory can run out of
    room to run applications just as quickly as a machine with six
    megabytes of memory did 15 years ago? In this month's The cranky user,
    I'll get to the bottom of this big mystery. But first, I want to
    revisit an old adage and see where it stands today.

    Moore's Law revisited
    Moore's Law is easily one of the top five misquoted claims ever. The
    simplified version preferred by most pundits is that computers will
    become twice as fast every 18 months. In fact, Intel founder Gordon
    Moore observed in 1965 that the complexity of chips with the lowest
    cost per component was roughly doubling every year, and predicted that
    this trend would continue for about 10 years. So Moore's Law doesn't
    necessarily mean that performance will double; merely that the number
    of components in the most cost-effective designs will. Moore's
    prediction was borne out reasonably well by the data, and In 1975 he
    revised his estimate to about 18 months, which is the number most
    people cite today.

    Interestingly, Moore's Law doesn't necessarily tell as much about
    clock speeds as it does the complexity of system designs. Modern CPUs
    do a lot of things differently from older CPUs: for instance, they can
    execute multiple instructions simultaneously. I also bears noting that
    whether processing speed is doubling at any predictable rate, it has
    certainly increased quite a bit.

    What's fascinating is that, for most users, performance isn't
    noticeably any better today than it was 15 years ago. What's the
    computer doing with all this processing time? One Usenet poster,
    commenting on OS X's animated rainbow beachball cursor, hypothesized
    that the processor, like the user, is busy watching the hypnotic
    spinning beachball.

    Jokes aside, computers are, in fact, doing more than they used to. A
    lot of the things computers do are fairly subtle, happening beneath
    the radar of a user's perception. Many functions are automatic and, as
    discussed in [34]last month's column, you could probably do without
    some of them. But still, a lot is going on. Take a look at some of the
    primary uses of computer processing power today.

    Graphical displays
    Many modern systems use antialiasing to render text. This makes text
    easier to read and can substantially improve the usability of
    low-resolution monitors and LCD displays. On the downside,
    antialiasing sucks up a lot of processing power. Visual effects like
    drop shadows behind windows and menus, transparent menus and effects,
    and real-time effects also consume a lot of processing power. The
    catch for computer makers is that most users expect them.

    For example, older systems used bitmap fonts, which rendered quickly
    at the provided size but looked ugly at any other size. Most modern
    systems render outline fonts in real time, which users are now used
    to. Even with some caching involved, font rendering adds one more
    layer of processor overhead -- but no vendor would dare release an
    interface with bitmap fonts today.

    The current Mac operating system gets around some graphical overhead
    by having the rendering hardware of video cards do additional work.
    The video card essentially becomes a second processor, which cuts down
    on the graphics processing time. Of course, knowing this makes it even
    more disturbing when your computer interface turns sluggish.

    Word processing
    As I previously mentioned, most users feel a little put out when they
    can type faster than a word processor can process words. The worst
    days of this trend seems to be behind us now: most word processing
    programs started to keep up with even good typists somewhere around
    the 1-Ghz clock-speed mark. These days, it's the automatic features on
    these programs that can slow down your system.

    Automatic checking is a default behavior on most word processing
    applications. Some simply underline misspelled words and questionable
    grammar while others automatically correct as you type. Not only are
    these corrections occasionally inaccurate (many writers turn this
    feature off), but the behavior also requires a lot of additional

    Other automatic features in the "do I really need this?" category
    include one company's famous Office Assistant, as well as many
    varieties of formatting and workflow automation.

    Safety and security
    A certain amount of your system's processing power goes to improved
    safety and security features for your applications. Many of these
    features come in the form of critical security patches, since the
    original code was written without enough attention to sanity checking.
    The problem with patches is that they add up over time, meaning that
    individual ones only marginally affect performance, but taken together
    they can amount to a decent time sink.

    Virus scanners are a more serious power hog than patches. As viruses
    become a more significant component of the daily user experience,
    developers are spending more energy (and processing power) trying to
    fight them. Most virus scanners update themselves regularly, which
    makes for a small, but noticeable, amount of background activity. They
    also scan a lot more files than they once did.

    The existence of macro viruses for word processors means that virus
    scanners have to scan data files, not just executables. As a result, a
    single file might be scanned several times before you access it. Any
    file you download is scanned first and, since it's an archive, so are
    its contents. You open the archive in your archive utility, which
    scans everything in the archive. You extract the file to disk, which
    causes it to be scanned. Then you open it, and it's scanned again.

    All this scanning chews up a lot of processing time, which affects
    every program running on a system. For instance, a video game that
    uses a lot of graphical files and loads them on the fly could require
    the same 20 MB file to be scanned a dozen times during an hour's play.

    All that said, security is a worthy and necessary use of processing
    power, and the alternatives are worse: spyware and viruses can consume
    incredible amounts of time. Another common cause of slow computers, at
    least for Windows users, is an accumulation of any number of programs
    that snoop on traffic, pop up advertisements, or otherwise make
    themselves indispensable to a marketer somewhere.

    Program complexity
    Program complexity is probably the biggest culprit when your
    supposedly speedy processor still runs slow. As applications become
    more complex, a certain amount of their code (and thus your processing
    power) goes into making them more manageable. This code, which I'll
    call support code, actually makes programs easier for developers to
    write. A very large program might incorporate nested layers of support
    code. For instance, a Linux build of Mozilla might link to 30 or so
    different pieces of support code -- including support code for the
    support code that Mozilla uses directly.

    The code itself is typically very efficient for its task, and it does
    make the job of developing large-scale applications much easier. But
    the code that enables all these small pieces of code to interact in a
    predictable manner adds a small runtime cost. Once again, a small cost
    repeated many times adds up to a significant performance hit.

    A few of the programs I use on Windows run special programs at system
    startup. Each of these programs pre-loads its own shared libraries,
    which in turn allows the program to launch more quickly later. At one
    point, the delay from the initial appearance of my desktop to my
    system being responsive enough for me to start using it was up to
    about five minutes. Why? Because it was running a dozen or so programs
    to make programs load faster. The irony didn't seem funny at the time,
    but it does now.

    In conclusion
    A certain amount of code bloat is inherent in all this modern
    complexity, and I've talked about some of the worst offenders this
    month: applications that require processors to do extra work that
    isn't really useful to the user; support code that no one really
    understands (and that the system may not require), but if you leave it
    alone it works; over-patched code resulting from too much emphasis on
    rapid development and not enough on sanity checking. Whatever the
    problem, overemphasis on time to market is probably a contributing

    Another factor is the so-called second-system effect, first discussed
    by Frederick Brooks in The Mythical Man-Month: when developers do a
    second project, they want so badly to make it better that they often
    include ill-considered features that render the resulting system
    bloated and unusable. Unfortunately, a lot of the systems in
    widespread use today are second systems. Worse yet, the bloat
    introduced by a second-system design is often preserved in future
    revisions to preserve compatibility.

    Luckily, the worst is probably over. Around the time when 800-Mhz
    processors came out, users stopped the driving need to upgrade
    constantly. Most users today can complete their work without waiting
    hours for the computer to perform its tasks.

    This week's action item: Launch a few applications simultaneously and
    time their start-ups. Try it again in five years to see whether the
    time has improved.

      * Read about the phenomenon of the overactive user interface in
        Peter's column from last month, [35]Everything's automated!
        (developerWorks, January 2005).
      * Focus on macro viruses -- the central topic of Peter's column on
        [36]Usability vs. security (developerWorks, August 2002).
      * Catch the predictions of developerWorks readers on the evolution
        of Moore's Law in [37]A peek through the veil at 2005
        (developerWorks, January 2005).
      * Learn about the contributions of IBM to Mooresian complexity and
        modern day processing with Nora Mikes' [38]History of chipmaking
        at IBM (developerWorks, March 2004).
      * In [39]Reducing the user interface by Mark Molander, discover some
        practical ways to cut the data bloat on your UIs as Mark notes
        that many applications have far more data and functions than users
        ever need (developerWorks, June 2001).
      * Bet you didn't know that Wikipedia maintains a page about
        [40]Moore's Law.
      * Visit The Jargon File for a good description of the
        [41]second-system effect.
      * Find out how the IBM [42]Global Services Usability Engineering
        team can help you improve your products and make them easier to
      * Also, avail yourself of these valuable resources on
           + The [43]Web Architecture zone specializes in articles
             covering various Web-based solutions.
           + The [44]Developer Bookstore presents a comprehensive listing
             of technical books, including hundreds of Web-related titles.

    About the author
    Photo of Peter Seebach Peter Seebach has been using computers for
    years and is gradually becoming acclimated. He still doesn't know why
    mice need to be cleaned so often, though. You can contact Peter at
    [45]crankyuser at seebs.plethora.net.


   32. http://www-106.ibm.com/developerworks/web/library/wa-cranky49.html?ca=dgr-lnxw01Cranky#author1
   33. mailto:crankyuser at seebs.plethora.net?subject=Performance%20anxiety&cc=htc at us.ibm.com
   34. http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/web/library/wa-cranky48.html
   35. http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/web/library/wa-cranky48.html
   36. http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/web/library/us-cranky18.html
   37. http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/library/pa-chipschall4.html
   38. http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/linux/library/l-powhist/
   39. http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/web/library/us-reduce/index.html
   40. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moore's_law
   41. http://catb.org/~esr/jargon/html/S/second-system-effect.html
   42. http://www.ibm.com/ibm/easy/eou_ext.nsf/publish/24
   43. http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/web/
   44. http://devworks.krcinfo.com/WebForms/ProductList.aspx?Search=Category&id=1600&p=WebArchitecture
   45. mailto:crankyuser at seebs.plethora.net?subject=The%20cranky%20user:%20Performance%20anxiety&cc=htc at us.ibm.com

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