[Paleopsych] empathy [was] Positive emotions and perceptual accuracy

Steve Hovland shovland at mindspring.com
Thu Feb 17 14:14:31 UTC 2005

I know my cats have emotions, but they
are also cold-blooded killers of birds and
mice (they bring their kills to show us.)

Since they have emotions and wills but
not much language I try to use empathy
in dealing with them.  For example, the
older cat just jumped up on my keyboard
but she was there for food, not affection.

Steve Hovland

-----Original Message-----
From:	Lynn D. Johnson, Ph.D. [SMTP:ljohnson at solution-consulting.com]
Sent:	Wednesday, February 16, 2005 9:13 PM
To:	The new improved paleopsych list
Subject:	Re: [Paleopsych] empathy [was] Positive emotions and perceptual	accuracy

Well, many mammals seem to have empathy. I do not think that reptiles 
have empathy nor fish. I have not seen empathy in cows, but some in 
horses. My Lab retriever has empathy for our cat, and the cat hates the 
dog. I have not seen empathy in cats. No offense intended, you cat 
lovers. Your examples are mostly chimps, and certainly they have 
empathy. The bird studies show intelligence but I don't see the empathy. 
Our bird has no empathy for anyone except the lovely bird behind the 
mirror. Empathy is likely a limbic / neocortex combination, bigger 
cortex, more empathy???. I suspect that animals living in groups would 
tend to develop empathy.

K.E. wrote:

> All animals have empathy
> Non Human Animals Have Intelligence,
> Culture, Emotion, Compassion and Language
> http://www.wildlifeprotection.net/Cruelty/cruelty4.html
> karen
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