[Paleopsych] Pravda: Left-handed human race to make the world a better place

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Thu Jul 7 14:50:11 UTC 2005

Left-handed human race to make the world a better place

[Now be careful evaluating the merits of this report. My first reaction is that 
Pravda is not reliable since it takes ESP for granted, while in this country 
and the world at large it is a matter of great controversy. What kind of 
quality control does Pravda now make over its writers? I recall the case of 
Bill White, who called himself a "libertarian socialist" and wrote articles 
quite critical of Jewish influence on American foreign policy (fine with me to 
get points of view not widely circulated in the United States) but veered off 
into implausible conspiracies (as opposed to plausible ones, of course).

[My second reaction is that the article does make several interesting points. 
I'd love to think left-handers have higher IQs, since I'm left-handed.

[My third reaction is that I do not recall this claim and probably would have 
remembered it if I had. So I'm inclined to view all the facts with suspicion, 
except that Leonardo, Tolstoy, Chaplin, and Kidman are lefties.]

    Scientists say that the number of left-handed individuals grows rather
    fast in the world today

      Specialists calculated that every tenth human being is left-handed.
    The total amount of lefthanders living in the world reaches over 600
    million. According to experts' estimates, there will be a billion of
    left-handed people living on planet Earth by 2020. The world will be
    different against the background of such a trend, scientists say.

      'The number of left-handed babies that were born in 2005 doubled the
    amount of left-handed children, which saw the light in 1990,' doctor
    of biological sciences, Alexander Dubov said. 'Mankind is changing
    slowly. However, it is not about degradation of the human civilization
    at all. Quite on the contrary, people become more perfect,' the
    professor said.

      Latest research works conducted in many countries of the globe
    showed that the IQ level of left-handed people is higher in comparison
    with the one of right-handed individuals. Every fifth outstanding
    person is left-handed as a rule. Furthermore, the people, who can
    boast of having extraordinary abilities, are left-handed too.

      'There are a lot of extrasensorial individuals among them,' doctor
    of medical sciences, Alexander Lee said. 'We checked the supposition.
    There are hardly any right-handers among those, who have the gift of
    remote viewing, telepathy, or X-ray viewing,' the doctor said.

      Right and left-handers are virtually different types of people with
    their own special mindsets and perception of the world. 'They get
    along with each other perfectly, but there is a hidden evolutionary
    struggle taking place between them, which reminds the struggle between
    primeval humans, Cro-Magnon and Neanderthal men. It seems to me that
    left-handers will eventually win the fight owing to their anomalous
    abilities,' scientist of anomalous phenomena, Pyotr Chereda said.

      Modern scientists have already concluded that the left-handed human
    race will change the world; the humanity will become more intellectual
    and extrasensorial.

      It is noteworthy that specialists do not have an explicit
    explanation to the mystery of the left-handed phenomenon. They
    discovered, however, that a human being takes either a left or a right
    way of development in mother's womb. Scientists photographed growing
    fetuses with the help of a special ultrasonic camera. If an unborn
    baby was trying to take a left hand in its mouth, it would be born as
    a left-handed infant. Specialists concluded that something happens in
    fetus's brain during the third of the fourth month of its development.
    The right hemisphere takes advantage of the left one and claims
    responsibility for those parts of the brain, which will later be in
    charge of speaking and writing abilities. The brain takes a
    significant change, when the left hand of a person eventually plays
    the dominating role. If the transformation was not that strong or if
    it was incomplete, it is possible for a person to take a step back. In
    this case, a person could be described as a right-left-handed
    individual, i.e. he or she would possess the qualities of both right
    and left-handers. It brings up the idea that something similar
    happened to Russian President Putin. Mr. Putin seems to be a
    right-handed person. However, he wears his watch on the right wrist.
    In addition, Putin often uses his left hand to take notes out of his
    right pocket.

      The left-handed phenomenon may probably be explained with genetic
    peculiarities. The ability is often handed down across generations.
    There are certain bizarre peculiarities, though, which can hardly be
    explained with inheritance. A recent research, which was conducted
    among 20,000 people, showed that left-handed people are usually
    delivered by women over 30 years of age. Furthermore, left-handers are
    usually born prematurely, during the second half of the year.

      Left-handed people have remarkable abilities to perceive sounds and
    intonations absolutely clearly and distinguish superfine color shades.
    They have picturesque memory, which preserves bright impressions for
    quite long periods of time.

      Most outstanding left-handers:

      Using only left hand: Leonardo Da Vinci painted 'Mona Lisa'; Leo
    Tolstoy wrote 'War and Peace;' Charlie Chaplin played with his stick.
    Nicole Kidman combs her hair holding a hairbrush in her left hand.

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