[Paleopsych] New Poll Finds Bush Priorities Are Out of Step With Americans

Steve Hovland shovland at mindspring.com
Thu Mar 3 11:42:13 UTC 2005

By ADAM NAGOURNEY <http://query.nytimes.com/search/query?ppds=bylL&v1=ADAM 
NAGOURNEY&inline=nyt-per> and JANET ELDER 
Published: March 3, 2005

Americans say President Bush does not share the priorities of most of the 
country on either domestic or foreign issues, are increasingly resistant to 
his proposal to revamp Social Security and say they are uneasy with Mr. 
Bush's ability to make the right decisions about the retirement program, 
according to the latest New York Times/CBS News poll.

rest of article:  http://www.nytimes.com/2005/03/03/politics/03poll.html?th

Steve Hovland

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