Etymology of Jazz Re: [Paleopsych] The next world language

K.E. guavaberry at
Mon Mar 14 02:56:31 UTC 2005

At 07:45 PM 3/13/2005, you wrote:
>Thanks, interesting point. The online OED says "jazz" is of unknown origin.

yes it is also wrong.
It's a fraternity -
you'll read  it over and over and over . . . everywhere

Cause folks see it everywhere they think it must be true.

>  If you can't trust OED, whom can you?

well, it's always a matter of  scholarship,
the fraternity of who is in charge of the "knowing"
the gatekeepers,

Facts exist outside the gatekeepers control.
When they decide to update dictionaries is
another story

Jazz is an Irish word and it's a fact.

Glad you enjoyed it.


>The idea that it may come from Irish is fascinating. My friend has nothing 
>to do with the etomology site, that was a separate resource I thought 
>people would enjoy. I have no influence over the site.
>For the OED link:
>K.E. wrote:
>>better tell your friend to update the info on
>>WRONG  -- Probably ult. from Creole patois jass
>>Educational CyberPlayGround
>>SEE: Irish American Vernacular English
>>Etymology of JAZZ
>>Sanas of Jazz
>>find  7 articles, fantastic info and story.
>>need latest version of acrobat to read
>>Happy St. Paddy's Day to ya.
>>happy sunday afternoon reading,
>>Karen Ellis
>>At 11:40 AM 3/12/2005, you wrote:
>>>A colleague who is an international business consultant says same. 
>>>English is lingua franca everywhere, from Asia to Europe. He said he was 
>>>at a meeting with both German and French workers, and they speak English 
>>>as the common language. I love English. Here is a great resource:
>>>>This is what the world of commerce is speaking.
>>>The Educational CyberPlayGround
>>>National Children's Folksong Repository
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