[extropy-chat] Extropy #15 Timeline

Hal Finney hal at finney.org
Thu Dec 4 02:51:58 UTC 2003

Max More wrote:
> It would be 
> interesting to dig out the issue of Extropy that featured a range of 
> predicted dates for various events. I recall that Eric Drexler had highly 
> optimistic projections, but others looked to 100+ years for many of the 
> items listed. I think I was somewhere in the middle. If anyone has the 
> issue at hand along with an OCR scanner, it would provide some interesting 
> data points.

Coincidentally, someone posted this URL on the FX (idea futures game)
discussion list: http://web.archive.org/web/20030212092807/www.lucifer.com/~sean/N-FX/.
This is a Wayback Machine archive of an article on nanotech timelines,
and it includes a link to the Extropy issue which had that article.
Unfortunately, the archive failed to capture that issue, but the link
does identify it as Extropy #15, which I happen to have, and I can go
ahead and type in the data.

The predictors are Gregory Benford; Steve Bridge; Eric Drexler; FM-2030;
Mark Miller; Max More; and Nick Szabo.  These predictions are from 1995.
Explanatory notes include:

Szabo - "The first number is when something might be possible under ideal
engineering, economic, and politilcal conditions.  'now' means we could
have done it already.  The second number is the practical prediction,
based primarily on the viewpoint of starting a business..."

Bridge - "My answers are based on when something will 'actually happen'
rather than on when it will be possible."

Miller - "I will use the following variables: N = Now, 1995; S =
Singularity; DAF = Design Ahead Factor....  I predict Singularity as
occuring between N+10 and N+40.... I introduce a Design Ahead Factor
which I define as 10/(S-N).  If Singularity occurs in 10 years, DAF is 1.
If Singularity occurs in 40 years, DAF is 1/4."

Here is the table, modulo possible typos.  You will need to use a monospace
font to get the columns to line up:

    Benford             Drexler                 Miller                          Szabo
            Bridge                  FM-2030                         More

Frozen Organ Transplant Is Routine
    2020    2010        never       1990s+      N+20 if (S>N+30)    1999-2008   2020-2030
Two Century Biological Lifespans
    2150    2050/2140   never       2010-2020   never               2015-2040   2040/2100
Indefinite Biological Lifespans
    2300    2080        1967                    S+50                2020-2045   2090/2150
Reanimation for Last Cryonics Suspendee
    2100    2060        2006-2021               S+6*DAF             2025-2055   2050/2200
Reanimation for Current Cryonics Suspendees
    2200    2090        2006-2021   2020        S+10*DAF            2030-2100   2400/2410
Biotech Cures for Most Heart Disease, Cancer & Aging
    2030    2030        never       1990s+      S+10*DAF            2015-2040   2090/2130
Fine-Tuned Mood/Motivation Transformation Drugs
    2010    2020        ?-2021      1990s+      N+10                1998-2010   2040/2050
Genius Drugs (>20 pts permanent IQ increase for most people)
    2030    2020        ?-2021                  S-10 to S+10*DAF    2020-2060   2010/2050

    Benford             Drexler                 Miller                          Szabo
            Bridge                  FM-2030                         More

Human Germ-Line Gene Therapy
    2040    2007/2025               1990s       N+20                2010        now/2010
Human Child Gestated Completely in Artificial Womb
    2020    2050                    2010-2020   S-5 to S-2*DAF      2015-2035   2100/2120
Cloning of a Human Being
    2050    2020                    2010        S-5 to S+4*DAF      2010        now/2010
Completely Genetically Composed Children
    2060    2050                                                    2015-2020   2060/2100
Extinct Species Reanimation (from preserved DNA)
    2100    2025        ?-2021                  N+5 to S+1                      2010/2020

    Benford             Drexler                 Miller                          Szabo
            Bridge                  FM-2030                         More

Cryonics Industry Revenues $1 billion/year
    2035    2015                    2010-2020   N+30 (if S>N+30)    2015-2020   now/2020
Nanotech Factories
    2100    2030/2050   2006-2021   2010-2020   S-3 to S+1          2015-2030   2070/2080
Atomically Detailed Design for Self-Reproducing Drexler-style Assembler
    2070    2015        1998-2010               N+7                 2000-2015   2100/2100
High-Degree of Freedom Cell Repair Nanomachines
    2075    2040/2060   2006/2021   2010        S+2*DAF                         2160/2180
Reproducing Nanotech Assemblers
    2080    2025        2004-2019               S-3 to S+1          2020-2030   2120/2140
Really Cheap Fusion Power
    2100    2040                    2010-2020                       2010-2020   2200/2210
Nukes as Cheap as Tanks
    2105    2015                                                    2040-2050   2100/2150
Nukes as Cheap as Handguns          
    never   never                                                               2200/2250

    Benford             Drexler                 Miller                          Szabo
            Bridge                  FM-2030                         More

Most Publications are Electronic
    2015    2015                    1990s+      N+10 to N+30        1999        2000/2005
Most Intellectual Publications are on Web
    2001    2008                    late 1990s  N+5 to N+30         1999-2002   2000/2005
Information Storage $0.01 per Megabyte
    2010    2020                                N+1 to N+10         2015        2010/2010
Computer Implanted in Brain
    2015    2045                    2010        N+1 to N+10         2020-2050   2010/2020
Human-Brain Equivalent Computers on a Desk
    2030    2030        2004-2019   2010        S-3*DAF             2030        2040/2050
Human-Level A.I.
    2030    2050        2004-2019   2010                            2040-2150   2150/2200
Uploaded Minds
    2060    2125        2006-2021               S+7*DAF             2040-2100   2300/2400
Uploads Running 1000x Faster than Humans
    2080    2125        2006-2021               S-3*DAF             2045-2100   2450/2450

    Benford             Drexler                 Miller                          Szabo
            Bridge                  FM-2030                         More

Big Fraction of Economy Off Earth
    2200    2100        2006-2021               S+20*DAF+20         2100-2200   2150/2200
Big Fraction of Economy out of Solar System
    2800    3000        2011-2026               S+20*DAF+(50-200)   3000        2400/2500
Comet Mining, Javelins, Drugs, etc. (robotic space industry)
    2080    2075        2006-2021                                   2050        2040/2060
First Person on Mars
    2050    2025        2006-2021   2010-2020   N+15 to S+2*DAF     2025        2040/2060
First Person in Another Solar System
    2400    2085        2011-2026   2030-2050   S+10*DAF+20         2150-2400   2200/2400
Reproducing Comet Eaters
Reproducing Asteroid Eaters
    2150    2045        2006-2021                                   2050-2070   2140/2180
Reproducing Starships
    2300    2200        2006-2021               S+2*DAF                         2350/2400

    Benford             Drexler                 Miller                          Szabo
            Bridge                  FM-2030                         More

1,000,000+ People Using Anon. Electronic Cash
    2010    2020                    1990s       N+10toN+30 to never 1999-2006   1997/1999
30%+ of Labor Telecommutes
    2015    2030                    1990s       never               never       2000/2050
Untaxable Economy Using Electronic Cash $100b/year
    2020                                        N+20 to never       2010-2115   1997/2005
Ocean Colonization
    20020   2020/2045                           never               2010-2050   now/2040
Most Education Privatized
    2005    2050                                N+10 to S+50                    now/2040
Most Law Enforcement Privatized
    2010    2095                                S+50 to never                   now/2150
Most Law Choice Privatized
    2020    never on Earth                      S+20*DAF+20tonever              now/2150
National Defense Privatized
    never   never on Earth                      never                           now/2200
Betting Markets a Big Policy Influence
    never    never                              S+20*DAF+20                     2000/2100

Lots of figures here, and it's pretty hard to see the logic behind some
of them.  Benford and Szabo put Reproducing Starships out in the 24th
century, while Drexler could have them coming out the year after next.
Actually, Drexler is kind of a one-note-Charlie here, putting almost
everything in the 2006-2026 time frame, even Big Fraction of Economy out
of Solar System.  I guess he assumes a nanotech singularity scenario.
The interstellar economy would presumably be self-reproducing space probes
zooming away from Earth in all directions and furiously converting nearby
star systems into computronium or some such.

I see Benford and Szabo as the most conservative, with Bridge and More
taking a middle ground, and Drexler and FM-2030 being the most aggressive.
FM's predictions don't make much sense to me but maybe they should be
thought of as somewhat metaphorical or poetic, which is how I perceive
his writing.

Other interesting aspects of the survey include the topic selection,
which is kind of a snapshot of the items of interest to the Extropian
community in the 1995 time frame.  I also note the absence of Eliezer
Yudkowski's influential conception of the Singularity as a sudden
transition to world whose rules, possibly even whose physics, are
determined by AIs of virtually infinite intelligence.


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