[extropy-chat] a frightfully difficult sacred problem

Mike Lorrey mlorrey at yahoo.com
Sun Dec 21 17:46:43 UTC 2003

--- Dirk Bruere <dirk at neopax.com> wrote:
>   Which reminds me of something someone posted in a NG to illustrate
> what morons Moslems were.
>   The poster was laughing at their assertion that the 'final days'
> will be known to the faithful by several signs. A couple of which is
> that pots and pans, and even bootlaces, will begin to talk.
>   Needless to say, it wasn't a tech forum, but I did point out the
> irony involved in such ignorance.

I wouldn't describe it as ignorance, I would describe it as a
characterization of the sorts of communications media that oppressed
political opposition might resort to in a world where all high
technology media, and even mid and low tech like printed words are
compromised by big brother oversight. 

American POWs have, in many conflicts, developed communications systems
using tapping on metal objects: pots, pipes, bars, etc. to spread
information under their guards noses. If every neighborhood has a few
families that are in subversive cells, then they could spread alarms by
morse code type signals on pots and pans, and intelligence could be
shared by knot coding on boot laces.

Mike Lorrey
"Live Free or Die, Death is not the Worst of Evils."
                                       - Gen. John Stark
"Fascists are objectively pro-pacifist..."
                                       - Mike Lorrey
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