[extropy-chat] European Free State Project

David Lubkin extropy at unreasonable.com
Tue Dec 23 03:11:12 UTC 2003

Brett Paatsch wrote:

>Thanks Mike and David for the links and the good overview. Gives me
>a leg up for further investigations.

You're welcome.  The more of you guys we can lure this way the better....

>Looks like New Hampshire considered a law against 'therapeutic cloning'
>though not by that name but as at (Dec 2002) found it "inexpedient to
>legislate". http://www.ncsl.org/programs/health/genetics/chhumancl.htm

That's a felicitous phrase -- "inexpedient to legislate."  Rolls off the 
tongue, doesn't it?  Not as graceful as "Congress shall make no law." but 
pretty good for here-and-now.

-- David Lubkin.

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