[extropy-chat] The Extropian wars

Damien Broderick thespike at earthlink.net
Mon Nov 10 18:54:13 UTC 2003

 kevinfreels at hotmail.com wrote:

> >I just had a thought, but I doubt it was the first time it has been
brought up here.
> >
> >When the first "uploads" become available and people are actually able to
become immortal, and when cryo-preserved people canbe brought back, the
religious establishment is going to go beserk.

>"Permutation City" by Greg Egan.

An earlier novel (although not a terribly well argued one IMHO) is 1960s' sf
bad boy Norman Spinrad's DEUS X, where a dying Catholic priest agrees to be
uploaded to learn whether he retains a soul in this new embodiment; the
shock finding is that he doesn't. Spinrad referred to this fictional outcome
in his dismissive ASIMOV'S review of THE SPIKE,


as if his novel had settled the question in advance and rendered any further
discussion of transhumanist uploading prospects irrelevant, stupidly
reductionist, or Pollyannaish.

Damien Broderick

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