[extropy-chat] Personal effectiveness

Acy James Stapp astapp at fizzfactorgames.com
Mon Nov 24 16:53:05 UTC 2003


"I realize that part of the story is that I am a perfectionist.  
When I work for someone else, they get to override my standards.  
On my own, I indulge in deferrable bells-and-whistles that push 
the schedule out.  I'm gradually learning to be brutal with 

This is the most crucial thing I can imagine. It took me years
to overcome it. There's a saying, "If something's worth doing,
it's worth doing well.".  I disagree -- If something's worth doing,
it's worth doing poorly. (It's been said before, I know). Just
do it, if you're getting bored, rush it to get it done with, but
it's a lot easier to stick with something when you're blowing
through it without worrying about making it right. You can (almost)
always go back.

"A related question is how to stay organized and tidy."

Tidiness is a tough one, but notebooks are cheap. I have a big
stack of notebooks with all of my thoughts and diagrams on a 
subject entered. Each page is numbered and each entry dated so
I can refer back to them. It makes it a lot easier to catch
back up when I resume something.

Acy Stapp

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