[extropy-chat] Living in Ireland -the reality

Alex Ramonsky alex at ramonsky.com
Thu Dec 2 07:58:53 UTC 2004

Mike Lorrey wrote:

>Now, I am impressed when a Brit complains about bad plumbing (what
>might the dentistry be like in Eire?) 
Wow, I forgot about that!  :  )  ...I only ever went once, and was asked 
whether I would like to pay for anesthetic or whether I'd be "Going over 
the road for a few whiskeys first instead?"
...I didn't go back.
And I forgot being forcibly evicted from the chemists amidst much 
cursing for trying to buy a packet of condoms  LOL
It was fun being able to go out shooting though; -fresh dinners! 
Quantities of venison the like of which we shall not see (or get chased 
by game wardens for) again...   :  )

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