[extropy-chat] The Boston Globe on Kurzweil

Brett Paatsch bpaatsch at bigpond.net.au
Mon Nov 1 08:13:09 UTC 2004

Giu1i0 wrote:

Subject: [extropy-chat] The Boston Globe on Kurzweil

> Taking proper care of the body today, Kurzweil believes, is a
> necessary step on the path to immortality for himself and his fellow
> baby boomers.
> In 20 years, he predicts, biotechnology will be able to block the
> circuits that cause disease and will radically slow aging.

The article doesn't say what disease causing "circuits" he was referring

If the Globe reporter didn't ask then how could either the reporter
or reader tell, even in 20 years time, whether or not the Kurzweil's
prediction was true? 

Its like the reporter doesn't care and doesn't think the reader will 
either. Ray Kurzweil gets a plug just for being Ray Kurzweil.  


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