[extropy-chat] Clear Pictures of How We Think

BillK pharos at gmail.com
Mon Nov 22 11:20:37 UTC 2004

On Mon, 22 Nov 2004 12:07:17 +0100, Giu1i0 Pri5c0 wrote:
> It has even recently
> revealed the differences in the brains of Democrats and Republicans.
> Before fMRI, information about the parts of the brain involved in
> different tasks could only be gathered by studying people who had
> suffered brain damage from trauma or stroke, and seeing how their
> brain function changed. Now, the brains of healthy people can be
> scanned as they are given different tasks.

Yes. If I recall correctly, the brainscan of Republicans showed very
little activity, with most of the brainspace apparently just dead
weight or padding.
Whereas the brainscan of Democrats showed furious activity at random
all over the brain, often sparking off multiple contradictory opinions
at the same time.  :)


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