[extropy-chat] First Methuselah Mouse Rejuvenation Prize Awarded

Reason . reason at longevitymeme.org
Tue Nov 23 21:49:35 UTC 2004

From: hal at finney.org ("Hal Finney")

>Reason forwards:
>> The Methuselah Foundation is happy to report that they have awarded
>> the first Rejuvenation Prize to Stephen Spindler, who led "the first
>> experiment to achieve rejuvenation in middle-aged mice, making them
>> biologically younger while extending their lifespans."
>Oddly, the press release doesn't give any clue as to what the intervention
>actually was.  Looking at the biomarkerinc.com web site, it appears to
>have been calorie reduction.

The Betterhumans article answers some of the obvious questions - the press release was really aimed at folks outside the choir. Link below:


Founder, Longevity Meme 

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