[extropy-chat] Re: Intelligent Design and Irriducible Complexity

Kevin Freels megaquark at hotmail.com
Fri Oct 1 14:02:31 UTC 2004

> It's also worth keeping in mind that in fact, life on Earth did not
> evolve much until quite recently in geological terms.  For 80% of its
> tenure life was restricted to the simplest forms.  Something happened
> then and we had an explosion of multicellular diversity, leading to
> colonization of the land and air.  This argues against an ID hypothesis
> for biogenesis, because it is unlikely that an ID would seed the planet
> with a life form so limited that it would be unable to evolve diversity
> for three billion years.  An ID would probably rather see immediate and
> more certain results, in my opinion.

Don't you KNOW that the Earth is ONLY about 6000 years old?!?!?!

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