[extropy-chat] RE: Re: Intelligent Designand IrriducibleComplexity

Patrick Wilken Patrick.Wilken at Nat.Uni-Magdeburg.DE
Mon Oct 4 14:53:11 UTC 2004

On 4 Oct 2004, at 16:42, Mike Lorrey wrote:

> Of course, not only does a colony of ants have a lot more legs to worry
> about, the fact that each unit of 250k brain cells is not synaptically
> linked to the others. Its like having 40,000 hemispheres in the human 
> brain.

But of course its much worse than that since the same neural functions 
are replicated 40k times in ants: 40k simpler systems do not equal one 
more sophisticated one (e.g., the visual system of one human is vastly 
superior to a whole colony of ants).

best, patrick

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