[extropy-chat] defending life?

Mike Lorrey mlorrey at yahoo.com
Mon Oct 11 19:04:56 UTC 2004

--- Trend Ologist <trendologist at yahoo.co.uk> wrote:

> No, not probably. Let's have it clear: Bush is being excessively
> pedantic about cells in a dish.

Depends on your faith. If you have a faith that says they are nothing,
then government shouldn't spend your tax dollars preventing you, or
others, from doing what you want with them. If you have a faith that
says they are something, then government shouldn't spend your tax
dollars so others can do what they want with them. THis is a balanced
application of the equal protection principle.

We don't force christian scientists to accept blood transfusions for
themselves of their kids (we can't, that is what the Constitution
says), as doing so would be forcing them to violate the precepts of
their religion.

We can't force the Amish to participate in the Social Security System,
because they take care of their own and they have a religious
opposition to the inventorying of human flesh.

Similarly, if you want to protect your ability, as a transhumanist, to
clone, to augment, to genetically engineer yourself or your progeny,
free of government interference, then you MUST respect similar
sentiments against force put forth by people of other faiths and
practices. You need to understand this and accept this very clear,
tolerance based principle, or else the luddites will have the door open
to end and destroy transhumanism.

We CANNOT support government spending of the tax money of others on
programs we support, any more than we can allow government to regulate
those practices which we see as necessary to our future.

Mike Lorrey
Vice-Chair, 2nd District, Libertarian Party of NH
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It is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves."
                                      -William Pitt (1759-1806) 
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