[extropy-chat] Raelians

scerir scerir at libero.it
Thu Oct 21 18:10:05 UTC 2004

> I confess that I subscribe to the "rael-science" yahoogroup, 
> a news-only group with about five postings per day. 

There are sects, and 'religions', everywhere.

I was interested in Pythagoras but - as you can
see - the first group was too 'wide' (and they
mix 'mystery school', 'animal rights', 
and 'god').

'Suitable topics for discussion will include, 
but are not limited to, Pythagoras, pythagoreanism, 
pagan, paganism, neopaganism, neopagan, vegan and 
veganism, vegetarian and vegetarianism, animal rights, 
bloodless sacrifice, Orphism, Orphic, orpheus, hellene, 
hellenism, Hellenic Paganism, Perennial, wisdom, 
philosophy, philosopher, esotericism, esoteric, 
spirituality, monotheism, polytheism, panentheism, 
pantheism, deism, sacred geometry, tetractys, tetraktys, 
Apollonius of Tyana, Philostratus, Iamblichus, god, 
eleusis, eleusian, eleusinian, demeter, persephone, 
kore, hekate, helios, apollo, golden verses, isis, 
osiris, horus, pre-socratic, mystery, mysteries, 
mystic, mysticism, golden tablets, reincarnation, 
karma, mason, masonic, freemason, freemasonry, 
scottish rite, albert pike, proserpine, secret 
society, mystery school, peace, self actualization.' 

The second group was a bit ... frightening (or it
seems so, to me, being Italian).
'The mafia identification and extermination club' 

At last I've found a good one. 
The religion of 'Matter Waves' (mother church at 
Promotion of T-shirts in the section:
'Vintage Erotica - Erotic Art Posters - Sex and Survival'.
See also:


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