[extropy-chat] Bush wants another $75 billion for wars

Damien Broderick thespike at satx.rr.com
Thu Oct 28 17:29:01 UTC 2004

At 02:57 PM 10/28/2004 +0800, Sean wrote:

>In this respect, it is worth noting that many of Bush's constituency still
>believe in The Rapture (including Bush himself AFAIK...) and are all very
>excited at the prospect of "End Times being upon us soon".

Yeah, but it don't stop them bad boys havin' a real good time. I was 
excited (in a godly way) to find this ad on the lefthand side of the page:

by Goooooogle

Rapture Singles
Free photos, personals and hot profiles of local singles. Free

Damien Broderick 

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