[extropy-chat] Heinlein and thinking for yourself

Stephen Van_Sickle sjvans at ameritech.net
Sat Oct 30 04:32:30 UTC 2004

--- Mike Lorrey <mlorrey at yahoo.com> wrote:

> The problem with the story is, however, that the
> 'economic system' that
> made it possible to buy and pay for such things is
> in any way to be
> credited to the state. Markets happen despite
> government, not because
> of it. The presence of black markets is proof enough
> of that.

Huh?  I admit it has been a while since I read the
story, but I don't remember anything about the
economic system being credited to the state.  Now, the
*lack* of economic interaction between Coventry and
the rest of the country is due to the state, and that
big fence and the heavily armed guards surrounding it.

Maybe governments don't *make* markets, but they can
sure muck them up.  

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