[extropy-chat] IRAQ: Weapons pipeline to Syria

Mike Lorrey mlorrey at yahoo.com
Sat Oct 30 21:04:37 UTC 2004

--- Stephen Van_Sickle <sjvans at ameritech.net> wrote:
> I am not a statistician, so I would be very interested
> in the opinions of anyone on this list with a more
> extensive background than I have.  In particular, if I
> am reading it correctly, they are extrapolating the
> 100,000 figure from 21 violent deaths.  This does not
> fill me with a great deal of confidence, but I'm
> willing to be set straight.

Well, as I warned, they are apparently cherry picking data (just like
they've done in the past with gun crime stats) and extrapolating
completely unrealistic conclusions to fit their political agenda.

Mike Lorrey
Vice-Chair, 2nd District, Libertarian Party of NH
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