[extropy-chat] Sterling, Wired, and the Singularity

Brett Paatsch bpaatsch at bigpond.net.au
Thu Sep 9 03:19:19 UTC 2004

Mike Lorrey:

> I'm incredibly happy with this little tool, and am looking forward to
> the day when I can have its decendant embedded in my brain, which I'm
> now predicting will happen within this decade.

I'd say, ya wanna bet, but then we'd have to work out a way to do it. 

Not within this decade - not unless you are a researcher yourself or
planning to visit some mad scientist friend in a less regulated society.

You'll still have Bush or Kerry in the Whitehouse for most of the time
from now 'til then. 

Emlyn wrote:
> At some point, you read an article describing something along the
> lines of "some guys opened up a cell, swapped the dna for carbon
> nanotubes, and created artificial life" and think ho hum, I wish there
> was something more interesting to read.

I'd be potentially very impressed myself, though the "some guys" bit
doesn't sound like a quote from a peer reviewed journal. 

Brett Paatsch

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