[extropy-chat] Oxygenating the flame in threads

Brian Lee brian_a_lee at hotmail.com
Mon Aug 29 20:22:05 UTC 2005

I saw the suggestions and read them and they seem pretty valid. But the 
schemes I saw are non-intuitive and the "web forum" is a pretty well 
established artifact. There's no need to try to shove the whole forum 
concept into a listserv. If you want listserv stick with email. If you want 
karma and buddies and hard topics, etc switch to a forum.


>From: Samantha Atkins <sjatkins at mac.com>
>To: ExI chat list <extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org>
>Subject: Re: [extropy-chat] Oxygenating the flame in threads
>Date: Mon, 29 Aug 2005 12:08:20 -0700
>No you don't.  Look at my email forwarding with decorations idea as  well 
>as the ideas of others already expressed in this thread.
>On Aug 28, 2005, at 2:52 PM, Brian Lee wrote:
>>In order to create a reputation based list, you really need to set  up a 
>>forum site a la slashdot/kur5hin/plastic/etc. This gives you  
>>karma/whuffie/whatever, filtering and all the stuff you're talking  about. 
>>Of course then you lose the simplicity of email.
>>>From: Natasha Vita-More <natasha at natasha.cc>
>>>To: ExI chat list <extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org>
>>>CC: board at extropy.org
>>>Subject: Re: [extropy-chat] Oxygenating the flame in threads
>>>Date: Sun, 28 Aug 2005 15:43:40 -0500
>>>I'd like to implement a reputation system, or some other  intelligent 
>>>system to value posters and threads and encourage  optimum discussions 
>>>and debates.  And I think that Board should  discuss this with the list 
>>>>(sending it a second time, I haven't seen it appear yet)
>>>>>What you could possibly do is set up an email address - say
>>>>>extropy-crap at lists.extropy.org. People could forward email they
>>>>>disliked to that address, as a vote against it. Instead of  killfiling
>>>>>someone, you could forward their entire output to that address,  as a
>>>>>permanent mark of disdain!
>>>>>I guess you'd also want an extropy-great at lists.extropy.org,  to send
>>>>>excellent posts and favoured postors to.
>>>>Dear Emlyn,
>>>>I think that this is a great idea. I would use it.  And I don't
>>>>think that this strategy is difficult for the average user either,
>>>>because it would just take a few seconds to 'express yourself'. I
>>>>think that the posters who poison the list should know that the
>>>>readers don't like their words. I think that large feedback is
>>>>sorely needed here, in order to improve list quality and encourage
>>>>good people to return, and I think that assigning reputation is a
>>>>very good first step. Reputation, in free places, greases the  cogs of
>>>>the human interchange machinery. How else can buyers evaluate a
>>>>purchase, and how else can sellers know when they are doing a good
>>>>job? Reputation and Feeback.
>>>>Presently, if you are a 'seller' of a message on the extropy-chat
>>>>list, you'll put your message out there. Feedback for messages here
>>>>is occasionally a conversational thread, but more often, a flaming
>>>>thread. Flaming threads require alot more time than assigning 0 or
>>>>negative to the reputation of the seller, and many opt-out of
>>>>wanting to spend that time. A simple reputation assignment
>>>>encourages more to express their opinion of that person's words.
>>>>More opinions gives more information to the seller that their
>>>>strategy is effective or not. If the seller discovers that their
>>>>strategy for 'selling their message' is not effective, then s/he can
>>>>continue, but it should be clear to her/him that s/he is wasting
>>>>her/his time on the list (and that person is being willfully
>>>>ignorant). And/or the list owners (Extropy _is_ the owner of the
>>>>list), have a very good reason, based on reliable information, to
>>>>remove that poster.
>>>>In the early 1990s days of the extropians list, we discussed
>>>>reputation systems often (in fact Robin's sig line was "Stake Your
>>>>Reputation"). Think carefully about how important are reputations.
>>>>The best decisions one makes for one's life in some way uses this
>>>>data, does it not? For the simplest example of reputations-in- action:
>>>>look to Ebay: would you want to buy a product from someone who had
>>>>less than a 98% customer satisfaction? The feedback from Ebay users
>>>>to push the number so high is astounding when you think about it.
>>>>Amara Graps, PhD          email: amara at amara.com
>>>>Computational Physics     vita:  ftp://ftp.amara.com/pub/resume.txt
>>>>Multiplex Answers         URL:   http://www.amara.com/
>>>>"Nothing is more terrible than to see ignorance in action."
>>>>  ---Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
>>>>extropy-chat mailing list
>>>>extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org
>>><http://www.natasha.cc/>Natasha <http://www.natasha.cc/>Vita-More
>>>Cultural Strategist, Designer
>>>Studies of the Future, University of Houston
>>>President, <http://www.extropy.org/>Extropy Institute
>>>Founder, <http://www.transhumanist.biz/>Transhumanist Arts & Culture
>>>Knowledge is the most democratic source of power.  Alvin Toffler
>>>Random acts of kindness... Anne Herbet
>>>extropy-chat mailing list
>>>extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org
>>extropy-chat mailing list
>>extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org
>extropy-chat mailing list
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