[extropy-chat] The Singularity Institute's 2006 $100, 000 Singularity Challenge - Double Your Gift!

Marc Geddes m_j_geddes at yahoo.com.au
Thu Dec 22 04:49:16 UTC 2005

--- Natasha Vita-More <natasha at natasha.cc> wrote:

> I hope everyone visits Singularity Institute's site
> and makes a 
> contribution.  No matter how large or small, every
> cent counts.
> Proaction!
> Natasha

Hmm.  Three things people would need to say yes to to
be persuaded.

(1)  The Singularity (or something roughly like it) is
a real possibility - recursively self-improving
super-human intelligence is a real possibility

(2)  The Sing Inst is pursuing the right approach and
has a real chance of success

(3)  Specifically, the core project 'team members' of
Sing Inst are worthy of financial support.

I believe (1).  I'm not at all sure about (2) however,
and certainly don't believe (3).

I was only looking into the AI thing as a fun hobby,
but I was treated as a total idiot and any suggestions
I made were dismissed with personal attacks and
absuive messages posted publically.  Admittedly a lot
of my wild ideas were probably pretty idiotic, but
still... this is very disappointing. 

There's nothing educational about the things the Sing
Inst 'team' say.  Nothing is published in academic
journals, statements and proclaimations about the
nature of intelligence are issued from 'on high',
supporting technical arguments are kept hidden and
anyone with different ideas is subject to ritualistic 
humiliation and lectures on how stupid one is on the
SL4 list.  The tone on the Sl4 list is *extremely*
elitist.  Any one with an IQ of less than 150 is
regarded as sub-human.  The Sing Inst 'team' are
obviously very desperate men.  Brilliant, driven,
dedicated...but desperate.  Desperate that THEY and no
else gets to AGI first.  People will have to make up
their minds about whether this a good thing or a bad

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