[extropy-chat] Politics

Harvey Newstrom mail at HarveyNewstrom.com
Tue Dec 27 22:56:45 UTC 2005

> On 12/27/05, Samantha Atkins <sjatkins at mac.com> wrote:
>> I have seen topics purged to
>> other lists only to have some topics and discussions silenced.  It
>> was not at all helpful to the community.

A very interesting reaction.  I can only imagine that the participants 
really had no interest in discussing the topics at all.  Or else, why 
would they stop discussing it when the disintersted parties stopped 
listening?  What is it about political arguments or flame-wars that 
make people refuse to take it offline or elsewhere?  Why must their 
political insults and putdowns be made in front of an audience to have 
meaning?  And is it true that the discussion has no value if the 
audience is not present?

I think this reaction encourages my belief that the topics were a waste 
of time.  I think any valuable topic, with actually facts, exchanges of 
ideas, and real debate, would flourish and thrive if it were moved to 
its own special section meant specifically for that purpose.  In fact, 
I would love to see my own personal favorite topics split off this list 
and made into special lists just for those topics.  This would be so 
focused, on-topic, and limited to those truly interested individuals, 
that it would be wonderful.

Harvey Newstrom <HarveyNewstrom.com>

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