[extropy-chat] wicked roots  

spike spike66 at comcast.net
Wed Feb 16 03:47:45 UTC 2005

>  amara at amara.com:
> With all due respect to Michael Crichton, is he working in the
> field where these scientists are working?
> Amara

Ja Crichton does have a bad habit of offering opinions
in areas where he isn't a recognized expert.  I see that
way too many people are taking his global warming book
way too seriously.  I even agree with some of his notions,
but that whole terrorists-causing-a-tsunami idea was not 
just absurd but completely unnecessary.  He could have had 
a cliff somewhere where they drilled and planted explosives
so that they could cause a few thousand tons of rock to
fall into the water, which would cause a superwave.

Just as I was about to give up on the guy for excessive
slaying of perfectly good doctors, but this season of ER has
been way kick-ass.  They have done an excellent job of
depicting the headaches that doctors are facing.  Drugs
are advertised directly to patients on TV and thru internet 
spam.  Drug companies are keeping the charity hospitals in 
business, but every gift has strings attached.  In this case, 
the docs must whore for big pharmacy if they wish to keep the
doors open.  Oy.

They say money is the root of all evil.  That's because so
much wicked-cool stuff grows out of it.  (spikism)




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