[extropy-chat] Huygens: First visitor to Titan

Bret Kulakovich bret at bonfireproductions.com
Fri Jan 14 20:58:02 UTC 2005

Hello friends,

The Arizona folks are posting raw data over here:

no sign of a meet&greet - yet.

The NASAtv relay through the web has been holding up all day,
and the AMC-6 signal is on transponder 9 for any other BUD enthusiasts 
out there.

A happy day for the species.


Bret Kulakovich

On Jan 14, 2005, at 1:01 PM, Amara Graps wrote:

> Huygens: "First visitor to Titan"
> Some notes from the Cassini-Huygens Press briefing (televised over
> the ESA channel)
> This morning showed the first engineering success, this afternoon
> showed the first scientific success. Meaning that all six instruments
> performed well during the full 147 minute descent through Titan's
> atmosphere to the ground, and then while sitting on the ground, the
> Huygens probe operated for at least 2 hours on the Titan surface. The
> Cassini orbiter caught at least that science data (the batteries
> operate to 7 hours). Then the Cassini orbiter went out of range, as
> expected. The rest of the Huygens data in engineering mode is being
> caught by radio telescopes on Earth, where there apparently is a rush
> of radio astronomers/telescopes "moving westward" to catch that
> Huygens engineering data. Note that the expectation was to have only
> a few minutes of Huygens data on the ground. The instruments were
> insulated well, and operating at 25degC.
> Huygens has a redundant data science systems: two channels, one is not
> transmitting data for some reason (yet unknown), while the other
> channel has sent all of the science data: i.e.  zero "lost packets".
> Since all instruments operated perfectly, the science data is expected
> to be great; "for posterity", J.P Lebreton said.
> Some teary eyes in the room recounting the years of this mission:
> 25 years since conception, two generations of scientists, thousands of
> engineers, hundreds of scientists, 19 countries involved.
> The first science results (for example: images) will be shown at
> another press briefing at about 20:45 CET this evening from ESOC
> in Darmstadt. I don't know the best web site in which to see
> them, but you should probably start here:
> http://www.esa.int/SPECIALS/Cassini-Huygens/
> Amara
> -- 
> Amara Graps, PhD        www.amara.com
> Istituto di Fisica dello Spazio Interplanetario (IFSI)
> Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica (INAF),
> Adjunct Assistant Professor Astronomy, AUR,
> Roma, ITALIA     Amara.Graps at ifsi.rm.cnr.it
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