[extropy-chat] Transhumanist Survivalism

alexboko alexboko at umich.edu
Fri Jan 14 23:56:36 UTC 2005

1) Good news. A certain Very Extropian Person generously offered to host 
the project. Now we need a catchy name for it. Here are some candidates:

Civilization Insurance, CivInsure, CivIns
Leibowitz Project
Project for a New Extropian Millenium (PNEM)
Technology Insurance, TechInsure

Any others?

2) Even better news. As I looked into this further, I found that 
contrary to what some people on this list have said, high-tech 
survivalism may in fact be possible. I think it can scale down to a very 
small group of people with minimal equipment/materials. I don't want to 
spam the list with pages of details, there will soon be a Wiki and BBS 
dedicated to the subject. Let me just say for now that there were two 
factors I've been overlooking--

a) Even in the worst of circumstances, hardware would not be the 
limiting factor. Most of the industrial toolchain would still be lying 
around dormant. In every scenario I can think of, the limiting factors 
are electricity, fuel, and water.

b) If you have electricity, obtaining water and synthesizing fuel 
becomes much easier. So, the real choke point is electric power. If you 
can make your own solar panels or turbines from scratch or almost from 
scratch, you can bootstrap the rest of the toolchain. I found several 
candidate designs, and better ones probably remain to be found.

In summary, help is now needed in thinking up a catchy name for the 
Civilization Insurance site, and coming soon will be the official 
announcement of the new site.

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