[extropy-chat] Harvard president criticized over comments

Olga Bourlin fauxever at sprynet.com
Wed Jan 19 00:25:15 UTC 2005

From: "Damien Broderick" <thespike at satx.rr.com>

>>"Boys are lagging, and in my view we are seeing the tip of a very serious
>>national problem," said Judith Kleinfeld, a psychology professor at the
>>University of Alaska in Fairbanks.
>>"We had some concern that girls were completing assignments much more
>>rapidly and much more thoroughly" than boys, Ledbetter said.

> Isn't that an interesting way to put it? Not: `"We've had some concern 
> that boys were completing assignments much more slowly and much less 
> thoroughly" than girls, Ledbetter said.'

Yes, interesting.  Reminds me of how some females complain about the fact 
that on average women are left "home alone" earlier to face widowhead and 
old age and all the vicissitudes of life ... all by themselves.  Oh, the 
unfairness of it.  (Men - you simply must contain yourselves and stop dying 
so early, hear?)

> What's *wrong* with this planet?

Again, I respectfully submit, we - modified worms* that we are - simply 
aren't ready for prime time.

(*"modified worms" is a term I heard recently being used in a lecture by 
Richard Dawkins to describe humans.)


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