[extropy-chat] eyes 4U

Russell Wallace russell.wallace at gmail.com
Tue Jul 12 19:48:02 UTC 2005

On 7/11/05, Lifespan Pharma Inc. <megao at sasktel.net> wrote:
> If gates and the medical industry quickly perfect the wireless delivery
> of audio and video  directly to
> the consciousness in a manner safe enough for  implantation into those
> with hearing and sight
> diabilities then the reverse, a back door which jacks imagery and audio
> back into the net would be
> available. Add to the list of those carrying these devices persons
> convicted of medium level
> criminal offences then one has quite a numerous  force of public eyes
> and ears for security.

So you're advocating that the government be given the authority to
permanently monitor the thoughts of people it doesn't approve of? (Not
just muggers and rapists, but "persons convicted of medium level
criminal offences" - which in some countries can mean you published a
web site they didn't like.)

- Russell

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