[extropy-chat] frozen assurance

The Avantguardian avantguardian2020 at yahoo.com
Wed Jun 1 06:23:36 UTC 2005

--- spike <spike66 at comcast.net> wrote:
> I believe in cryonics.  But I need some kind of 
> guarantee, just some well-meaning assurance.  That 
> some joker won't take my severed frozen head and 
> put it face down in Ted Williams' lap.

     Spike. If I took this post from you seriously
(which I don't) I would say this: Knowing what I know
of Alcor's procedures I would say that assuming that
Ted Williams picked the option where he got to keep
his lap, he would be upside down, therefore your head,
if it somehow got into his tank, would be on the floor
next to his own head (less distrubing visually). 

      Unless of course the good folks at Alcor took
the time and effort to velcro your head into Mr.
Williams lap. In which case, you have somehow made
such egregious foes at Alcor then I would recommend
that you hold off and wait for the new kids (the guys
that get mice to go into suspended animation using
room temperature H2S) to come out with a start up and
sign on with them. :)

The Avantguardian 
Stuart LaForge
alt email: stuart"AT"ucla.edu

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