[extropy-chat] Blacklight pops up again

Damien Broderick thespike at satx.rr.com
Sat Nov 5 22:38:09 UTC 2005

At 09:28 PM 11/5/2005 +0100, 'gene wrote:

>On Fri, Nov 04, 2005 at 08:14:19PM -0600, Damien Broderick wrote:
> > Still sounds like crap:
>He's a notorious crank, and has been floating this for many years

Yes. But my implicit point was that the Guardian newspaper (and the 
Institute of Physics' PhysicsWeb: http://physicsweb.org/articles/news/9/8/4 
**) haven't been running sober reappraisals lately of, say, George 
Adamski's flying saucers or the Hollow Earth theory etc. Just a slow news week?

Damien Broderick

** < Now another theorist has joined the debate with a different point of 
view. Jan Naudts of the University of Antwerp in Belgium argues that the 
Klein-Gordon equation of relativistic quantum mechanics does indeed permit 
the existence of a low-lying hydrino state, although he stops short of 
claiming that hydrino states really exist (physics/0507193). "In physics 
the experiment decides," says Naudts. "Either the hydrino exists, in which 
case we have to accept a small correction to the textbooks on quantum 
mechanics, or it does not exist, in which case we have to find better 
arguments to explain why it does not exist." Naudts says that results of 
Mills and co-workers have recently been confirmed by a group at the 
Technical University of Eindhoven. "Nothing is decided yet, but I think it 
is time to fill the holes in our theoretical understanding of the hydrogen 
atom." >

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