[extropy-chat] Blog spam

Eugen Leitl eugen at leitl.org
Tue Sep 27 08:10:01 UTC 2005

On Tue, Sep 27, 2005 at 04:29:20PM +0930, Emlyn wrote:

> On 27/09/05, Brian Atkins <brian at posthuman.com> wrote:
> > Since the blogspam is mostly automated, moving to a different host will not
> > solve it. All blogs suffer from this.
> But wait, surely this requires a bot to parse the page and submit
> comments using whatever (non-standard) mechanisms are provided by the
> particular blogging software used? In that case, an obscure provider

How much types of blogging software is there? Less than 10, and
of course some spammers can specialize in a specific one. 

> might be just the ticket. It's worth the effort working out how to
> target blogger.com pages with spam, but maybe less so with
> goddamnedobscureblogsthatnobodyusesverymuch.com ( <- this isn't real
> btw )

Just use a CAPTCHA (Turing test). 
> > 2. Moderate all comments. Can be partially automated by only requiring
> > moderation of comments that have links in them.
> >
> That sounds good, the partial moderation.

I use full moderation (WordPress), and only see a couple of comment
> A few human spammers is fine. When they can't automate their work,
> it's not a big problem.

You can use CAPTCHAs, moderate the rest, and use whitelisting.
> > 4. Some newer blog software is incorporating Bayesian comment filtering.
> Yes that sounds cool.
> Now I've just got to find a decent host (setting up my own stuff is a
> last resort, too much virtual housework).

I'm not sure what the business model of a blog hoster is, unless
it's commercial.

Eugen* Leitl <a href="http://leitl.org">leitl</a>
ICBM: 48.07100, 11.36820            http://www.leitl.org
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