[extropy-chat] Protect ourselves to prevent a return to the middle ages

Joseph Bloch transhumanist at goldenfuture.net
Sun Feb 12 03:42:58 UTC 2006

Al Brooks wrote:

> You don't need me--you can always convince members of your own family 
> to fight in my place, can't you?

I'm afraid my daughter is a little young (4). I, on the other hand, 
already served during Desert Storm, and am just a tad too old to 
re-enlist. I did consider it, though.

There are other ways of fighting than donning a uniform, however. One 
can fight in the memetic war, support organizations that overtly work 
against the Islamofascist threat, etc. The United American Committee 
(http://www.unitedamericancommittee.org) might be a good place to start.


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