[extropy-chat] Failure of low-fat diet

BillK pharos at gmail.com
Wed Feb 22 09:46:05 UTC 2006

On 2/21/06, Robin Hanson wrote:
> Every study has flaws one can point out.   The point is that people
> are quick to use the flaws to dismiss studies whose conclusions they don't like,
> and they hardly notice the flaws of the studies whole conclusions they do like.
> That habit allows one to pretty much ignore the evidence in favor of
> preconceived expectations.

Agreed, but evidence based actions must be based on *relevant* evidence.
The diet and health field is full of contradictory evidence, so you
can easily pick and choose what you want.

In this survey, ten years ago, 20000 old, overweight or obese women
changed their diet slightly in a rather unspecific fashion, but didn't
exercise or reduce their alcohol consumption, and they found no effect
on their heart disease or cancer levels.

Well that's a surprise!

It is much more *relevant* evidence to go along with the statements:

"The survey didn't reflect current advice for good heart health, such as salt
reduction, increasing intake of good fats such as those in oily fish,
and increasing exercise."

Dr Emma Knight, science information manager at Cancer Research UK,
said: "People should continue to eat a healthy balanced diet, with
lots of fruit and veg.
"At present, the only diet-related factors that definitely increase
breast cancer risk are obesity and alcohol.
"Bowel cancer risk can be increased by a diet high in red and
processed meat, but is lowered by eating a high-fibre diet."


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