[extropy-chat] Extinctions

Samantha Atkins sjatkins at mac.com
Sun Jun 11 17:33:19 UTC 2006

On Jun 10, 2006, at 6:58 PM, Rafal Smigrodzki wrote:

> ### It's nice to see that you are not advocating any clearly immoral
> methods of saving species. I appreciate that you suggest benign
> methods, like building zoos, and voluntary ones, like contracted land
> use, and I hope my blunt questions about the trade-offs involved in
> species-saving didn't insult you: still, I am afraid that the nice
> methods you advocate will be nearly totally ineffective.
> That Aussie guy on TV fearlessly impregnating another toothy reptilian
> thing in a zoo may make for a diverting show, but this is not serious
> species-saving. If you are serious, you do have to deny beef and neat
> suburban living to billions of brown people -

A) Only a very radical fringe puts other species above humans;

B) Beef is not the best way to fully feed all people on earth well  
quickly so not giving everyone a beefsteak is not a bad thing;

C) Our suburbs are grossly inefficient in many respects.  Better than  
hovels to be sure but not the model of human well-being.

D) You are still claiming being serious about saving species is to be  
anti-human.  Give some proof or move on graciously please.

> and even voluntary
> methods, like buying up land to convert it into conservancies, will
> deny them the standard of living they desire. Of course, once you
> allow yourself the indulgence of using violence to save the planet
> (and the serious planet-savers are usually quite indulgent when it
> comes to realizing their visions), there is more at stake than steaks.

Use high tech as mentioned.

- samantha

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