[ExI] language patch

spike spike66 at comcast.net
Mon May 28 04:55:48 UTC 2007

At 05:05 PM 5/27/2007 -0700, Spike yclept:

>So at the risk of sounding Amishish (assuming
>Amishish means "like an Amish person") I propose that henceforth, ye = many
>of you.
>  What say ye?

>Thou art nuts. Retain thee ye "you" for plural, as is meet and fit.
>For as thou doest note, "ye" is a form of "the", with the olde letter 
>"thorn" represented by "y". Y, U ask? Whist, else a smiting befallest thou!


Thanks Damien, you crack me up pal.  How about the rest of ye?  Ye too?

Just so I don't feel like too much of a geezer, how many of ye recall Frank
Fontaine doing Crazy Guggenheim on the Jackie Gleason show in about the mid
60s?  Those are my earliest memories.


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