[ExI] Unfrendly AI is a mistaken idea.

John K Clark jonkc at att.net
Mon May 28 19:26:29 UTC 2007

Russell Wallace Wrote:

>I put it to you that you know intelligent behavior is possible without

I know nothing of the sort!

> Deep Blue didn't feel anything when it defeated Kasparov

Deep Blue wasn't intelligent enough to even know it had defeated Kasparov,
but it was intelligent enough to do something, and to that same very limited
extent Deep Blue was intelligent enough to feel.

> The kind of intelligent behavior for which emotion is required, for which
> it evolved, is survival and reproduction in the wild.

Of the infinite number of possible goals in the universe why should passing
on your genes to the next generation be the one and ONLY goal that requires
emotion and consciousness ? And even if this bizarre hypothesis was true
how on Earth could you ever hope to prove it?

I repeat the challenge I've sent to this list for well over a decade, if
emotion is not required for intelligent behavior why did Evolution invent

> A program that does not try to survive and reproduce in the wild but
> merely carries out tasks like designing algorithms, machines, protein
> molecules from specifications, does not in any way require emotion.

Because those cold hard machines don't have that certain something that we
soft squishy humans have in abundance. We are clearly superior to machines
because we are made of meat and they, well.., they are not. We have the
secret sauce and they do not and that's all there is to it. By the way
another term for the secret sauce is the soul.

I don't happen to believe in the soul.

  John K Clark

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